I have a proLight CNC with a Blackbox controller. I just set it up recently, and this is my first cut. I'm in a high school, and I some CNC experience, but not a lot. I setup the job in Easel (I also have an X-Carve) I exported the gcode and it looked fine in OpenBuild Control, but when I cut the job it offset the eyes. I have attached the GCODE and the picture of what happened I would appreciate some troubleshoot steps.
Not only did the eyes shift, but so did the nose. I checked your code ant it looks fine and should cut like this: The nose and eyes are the first thing cut, so my guess is that something physically happened to your machine which caused the rest of the file to shift position in the Y direction. Is that machine binding somewhere, od did a shaft coupler come loose and reposition itself on the lead screw, or if belt driven, did the belts skip over some teeth for some reason?
I think it was reaching the Y end of travel, there isn't an end stop there, and it didn't make a noise. I did another project closer to the 0,0 and it turned out fine.