I have loaded several g codes and done several cuts and the CONTROL SIZE has always been wrong. It always assumes the x axis is 10 mm negative of the g54 value, the y value is correct. The actual cutting procedure places the g54 correctly. I am attaching a g code file for you to consider
Because in the last line, the machine will move to X-10 Y300. So it's correct as far as the "extents" of the code you are supplying. In the post processor settings, if you changed X to 0, you'd get the behavior you are expecting.
looks like you are using a customized version of the post, where did you get it, and of course, what is it doing? and , what settings did you change in the post options dialog? Your post has a different header to the real OB post, it should look like this Code: (Made in : Autodesk CAM Post Processor) (G-Code optimized for Grbl 1.1 / BlackBox controller) (OpenBuilds CNC : GRBL/BlackBox) (Post-Processor : OpenbuildsFusion360PostGrbl.cps V1.0.30) (Units = mm) aside from that, it looks like you changed your 'end of run' Y position to 300 but left the X position at -10, so that is why it is going to X-10, ie, doing what you told it to do (-:
I updated my Post processor to V1.0.30 I was using V1.0.29 You were correct - the CONTROL SIZE does include the final rest position. I assumed the 'final rest' would be after the job is completed - I wanted to move the machine out of the work area so I could detach the cuttings. Obviously, this is not the case!
Check size "checks the size of the job" - the complete job - including any position moves - it pulls a rectangle around the total extents of the gcode - so when you run it - you can see if there are going to be any potential colisions with workholding, stock or machine boundaries.
if you check the box for 'EndPos: Use Machine Coordinates (G53) at end of job?' an dmake sure both X and Y positions are small negative numbers, the defaults are -10mm. Now the machine will move to 10mm short of the X and Y home switches at the end of the job. This should be 'out of the way' (-: