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1510 Workbee upgrade to HGR20 (picture heavy)

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by rulebreaker, Jun 28, 2022.

  1. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    i started with an OX, upgraded to Workbee and now i want to further upgrade to get rid of the wheels and later upgrade to 1610 ball screws
    originaly my OX had belts, but i could not mil under an angle or at the wall to safe space, so i upgraded to 8mm screws
    the wall mount had prolems with aluminium cutting, all the coolant was running down

    my Current Workbee

    hgr 15 vs 20
    I choose 20 oder 15 because the newton kilogram numbers were twice as big and the price was also lower on the 20s
    i finaly after years of yes and nos ordered the linear rails in a heartbeat, they should arive friday or monday
    i have already done some thinking of how to place them on the beams

    i just did a simplified drawing
    * green plates already existing form openbuild will cary over like the spindle mounts or i need to maschine on my own, prefale 10mm first wood, than aluminium, and maybe later plasma cut steel plates
    * blue linear rail
    * red wagoon
    * white m5 screws
    * violet Vslot beam
    * orange anti acklash nut
    * yellow the spindle or corners

    x and z axis
    the y axis are currently makeing most trubbles
    the far left design i abandoned because i would loose again x workspace
    OX almost 900
    Workbee 800
    HGR just over 700

    What i also dont like is, i need that long y plate just to mount the anti backlash nut thing to the system, any ideas?
    How terrile are my design ideas?
    my favorit is the far right at the moment, maybe place the antiabcklashnut between waggon and x beam?

    regards dave

    ps: i will update it regulary, whats comeing next, the rails and cleaning of them
    #1 rulebreaker, Jun 28, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
  2. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    maybe i should have posted it in the build section:oops::confused:
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  3. DarkPenguin

    DarkPenguin Well-Known

    Sep 16, 2017
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    I'm trying to set mine up with hgr, too. I'm on about my 40th design for the mount. I hate all my options so far.
    rulebreaker likes this.
  4. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    the hgrs came yesterday, but i was to tired from work to open em up.
    i checked now 8 waggons, 3 superb, 4 very good and 1 slugish and all of them smell like 200year old chineese surplus:eek:
    for the good ones i will only use "brake" cleaner and the slugish one needs complete disassembly

    i also improved my design, it looks a little wierd o_O
    on the far left the original workbee plate, but it would have not enough z travel for anything...
    the simpliest solution to make it work would be some 60x40 aluminium brakets, the thickest i could find are only 6mm thick.
    i also draw a 5mm spacer between bracket and waggon, so when fliping the bracket upward i could squeeze the anti back lash nut block between waggon and plate, so the lead screw would be a little protected from dust and chips. for future upgrades like the 1610 ball screw, it could sit directly on the waggon/braket, without much drama

    currently there is one big problem, for this z axis alignment the routermounts would block the waggons, so the routermounts need to be slightly machined slimmer in the rear where they conect with the c beam, so they are only 80mm wide.

    currently around 10 inches of z travel, so when doing a rivertable where the wood is 2 inches thick plus 2 inch tool length, there would still be 6 inches z travel, lowering to 7 or 8 could be enough too

    to compensate the height i would screw 20x40 profiles to the y plate to make it stiffer or between waggon and x axis, like it is seen on bigger machines like the "avid pro cnc"

    one pro of this setup would be, i could attach the y rails direclty without needing to re sqare the base
    one con all the weight and forces get into the corner bracket(s)

    and when its finished i dont think it will be a workbee anymore, it will be a workhornet or a workBEAR:D
    #4 rulebreaker, Jul 1, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
  5. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    some more "designs" for the y axes
    i think a real good solution would be to put a 40x80 on top of the original c beam or to get a 40x160 instead, to properly center the linear rail onto the profile.
    #5 rulebreaker, Jul 2, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
  6. DarkPenguin

    DarkPenguin Well-Known

    Sep 16, 2017
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    Once I get to that point I start to think I'm pushing the basic design too far.
  7. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    i went to the next generation, i think this is the most promissing, it keeps the length of the x beam and workarea above 800
    feels like working on a tank tech tree:D

    i think i will order stainless steel "laser" cut plates for the gantry 300x180x6 90bucks
    #7 rulebreaker, Jul 4, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
  8. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    i made a testcut to see, where i am
    looks good, made some minor adjustments here and there
    i saw that the stepper mounting positions were/where not optimal, in some configurations they would block other screws
    #8 rulebreaker, Jul 5, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
  9. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    you are not prepared :D:eek:
    the shop where i buy aluminium also sells diffrent kinds of "u" beams, i found one 60x40x4 that fits very good to the x axis
    the pink plates are the workbee 125s, theoreticaly i should put the whole z thing on with only 4 screws

    i had to do 26 diffrent designs to find the right x configuration, that fits my gantry
    two were good but needed to remove the rear faceing 90° corner brackets
    two were 40x80 beams, but they only have two screws and cant use the 20s corner support brackets

    the y axes are updated and finished
    the x side is finished
    need to finish the x axis and start tomorow the z axis
    #9 rulebreaker, Jul 5, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
  10. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    i hate waiting, started two weeks ago, should have been finished two weeks ago :eek::rolleyes:
    design, resdesign, order wait, find out parts dont fit
    redesign, order wait, ...
  11. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    i had an idea last night, to place the rails on the sides,
    but on the top version i would loose too much workarea in x
    but in the middle i can place the wasteboard/maschineboard on top of it
    bottom, the c beam are laid flat, to safe height

    and this is how it looks drawn together
    rails and screw are protected against dust/chips
    to help with left/right forces/torque/twist/flex i place a 20 vslot profile on both plates
    with this build i would safe around 100 bucks and drilling 150 holes and tapping 50 threads for the rails
    #11 rulebreaker, Jul 15, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
    andrewM likes this.
  12. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    i cleaned up the thread with thumbnails so its easier to read


    i made a testcut

    i have to change the left and right antibacklash block holes to fixed ones, because i cant screw them down, so the plastic blocks will get bigger holes, so they can be adjusted.
    because of cutting the gantry plate in two halves out of one plate, i can afford even a 10mm plate instead of the usual 6mm ones, and there is enough length over on the lead screw to make it so.

    one thing i need to make is a place for the cable chute thing, maybe i could put the rear x plate inside, and make room for a 40x20 beam on the rear of the gantry
    #12 rulebreaker, Jul 19, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
  13. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    the shop i'm ordering my plates doesnt have 10mm or bigger in stock:rolleyes::eek:
    so i have to make it from 6 or 8mm "thick" ones:rolleyes:o_O
    i switched back to a previously plate design, because the long "L" style feels to floppy/wobbly
    i increased the plate wideness from usual workbee 160 to 200mm for a better center of gravity to increase rigidy
  14. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    today the plates came
    because the workbee has so little z height
    i flatend the area and machined a hole trough the table
    where i can put the angles, so i can precisly machine the holes
    before, i tried to centerpunch all holes and then drill them, but only one hole is in the proper spot, all other have an offset:eek::rolleyes:o_O
    if u ever thoughed about a printnc machine, find someone drilling the holes precisely into steel for you;)
    Rob Taylor likes this.
  15. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    i finsihed milling the gantry plates out
    i finished the hgr20 gantry plate brackets
    made a test fit with some spare beams
    i finished the x plate

    to do
    8 "offset plates/standoffs" for the nut blocks
    2 "offset plates/standoffs" for the z linear rails
    2 corner brackets for x axis
    2 corner brackets for z axis

    first gantry plate perfectly machined in 30mins
    i desgined it, so i can later also use 60x100 steel beams
    i also wanted to make changeable stepper mounts(similiar to the print bee), so i could easily switch from 8mm lead screw to 16mm ball screw
    but it would currently cause to needing longer lead screws again so i droppt that idea

    the second plate took 2 weeks:rolleyes: an unlimited amount of code 31:rolleyes:
    if u are lucky only the blackbox disconnected it self, re plug the usb, connect and start zeroing
    when u are unlucky, restart the pc and everything:rolleyes:

    i already saw this problem on milling the corner brackets
    1, 2, 3 and 4
    1, 3 and 4 went perfectly, but the second pi**ed me of a couple of times, i did nothing diffrent from the others:rolleyes:

    on the gantry plate it happend the second time, that the z axis went "full retard":rolleyes: - so i stopped everything and prioritate on the z axis
    i think the best upgrade for a workbee is to get rid of the wheels on the z axis, for x and y it doesnt matter but for z its a must have

    combined x plate
    on the drawing table i saw it a long time ago, that the hgr20 waggons would crash into the router/spindle mounts
    so i made 4mm standoffs between linear rail and c beam
    this is the easiest method of solveing this problem
    the x plate is 160x160mm - i'm useing two waggons on each side

    other pics
  16. Banjopete

    Banjopete Well-Known

    Nov 10, 2020
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    Looks great, is your gantry extrusion a c-beam though? or 80-40? I'm imagining my way through what I hope is a similar conversion and right now have the linear rails configured on the face of my c-beam but am intrigued with the top and bottom idea. I don't know if it will make much difference, I don't think that it will compared to adding a second high-z style beam to the gantry. Will you be adding a second c-beam above with the lead screw? it looks like maybe just a bare lead screw at the top from the holes you've cut.
  17. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    yes its a c beam, but i add a 20x40 in the slot, the 40x80 would have caused problems with a prior design with the stepper mounts, and the 40x80 has diffrent corner brackets and a diffrent placement of nut slots.

    placeing the rails on the front(face) makes the gantry "longer" from back to front, but placing them on top and bottom, makes it more rigid in my opinion, it reduces torque/rotation/twist around the x axis. it also makes the z axis higher, comeing from the "OX"(86mm) the upgrade to workbee(125mm) increased "stiffness" of the z axis by around 50%. and my 160mm adds onother 30%.
    my lead screw on top will be naked, it was cheaper to put it on top, if material and money was there i would have put it in the back, were it is more covered from dust/chips.
    so i ordere a plate, and makeing it on the back would cost twice, placeing the screw on top, i can machine two plates out of one material.
    Banjopete likes this.
  18. rulebreaker


    Feb 10, 2021
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    @Banjopete there is a more apropriate beam for hgrs the 200x69 beam
    i dont know if it is allowed to post it here, so i seperate it from my answer, in case it gets deleted:p
    but costing 100bucks per meter:eek: i rather replace it with 60x100 steel beams, they cost the same as the c beams
  19. Banjopete

    Banjopete Well-Known

    Nov 10, 2020
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    Thanks for the info. I can see the lever lengthened and understand how that is worse than the over/under. I assume the bigger difference and benefit is in a different beam however.

    For now I've completed the face mounting, and down the road if I go to the double beam high z style I'll think longer about the rail placement as I do see the value certainly. It just requires a little more figuring on mounting which I haven't done. Cheers

    #19 Banjopete, Oct 5, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2022

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