You all have been very helpful in my previous "small hurdles" hopefully this is the right forum? Ok here is my current G-code: Code: begin HEADER "T1" "G17" "G21" "G90" "M8" "M3" "G04 P7000" "G0[ZH]" "G0[XH][YH]" +--------------------------------------------------- + Commands output for rapid moves +--------------------------------------------------- begin RAPID_MOVE "G0[X][Y][Z]" When I run a file using this PP, The M8 and (G04 P7000) Pause command has no effect on the machine, I hit run, and it immediately raises the spindle it starts and begins to cut into the material WITHOUT triggering the coolant or pausing? The quirky thing is I can turn on the coolant from the openbuilds software using the M8 command? I am using the coolant triggering from the BB I am stumped is the code written wrong.
Confirm that the resultant gcode does contain the commands? (accidentally loaded wrong gcode into CONTROL? Post not outputting gcode correctly?, etc)
Peter as always you were correct, I check in the software and my commands did not get sent over, wrong G-code...THANK YOU!!!