I haven’t changed configuration but for some reason all of a sudden the Z axis is homing down instead of up, it fails shortly after the Z starts moving down. If I jog the Z up and down it is the correct direction. I know there was an update it did last night or the night before but I don’t believe it to be linked in any way. Should I just change the homing direction in the configuration and see if that works or should I identify what went wrong before playing with settings?
Disregard this post.. Looks like boss might have damaged the limit switch while “fixing the machine”.
For future reference, if jogging moves in the correct direction and homing doesnt, then yes, change homing direction in the grbl settings. The key is to make sure jogging moves correctly first. Anyhow, glad you sorted it out and hopefully you have a spare on hand.
Had to go out and buy another one locally. If it helps anyone else, the troubleshooter showing the limit switch flickering may mean it is faulting. The homing was acting correctly as it saw the Z limit triggered so was trying to back off the limit switch in the sequence, hence the moving down then timing out shorty after. It was like “yep the top has been found, will just move down to release the trigger.. wait it’s not releasing - error”