Hi I have a Invertek VFD and want to control the RPM of the water cooled spindle with the Blackbox. I have connected a cable to the ground and 0-10v on the toolhead connector, the 2 outer connections. I have connected the cable from the Blackbox to my Invertek VFD to the analogue input 0-10v. I read up on setting it up but this does not make sense to me? To Activate the signal, send an M3 Sxxx where X=0-1000 (1000 = default Grbl configuration, or send S=what you have set for $30 - Max spindle speed, RPM). For example, to have a 10v output send M3 S1000, to have a 5v output send M3 S500, to have a 1v output send M3 S100 etc. (NB scale accordingly if your $30 is not '1000') Sorry dont have a clue what it all means? When its set up will I be able to just control the speed ? or be able to turn it on and off as well ?
You include it in your g-code file for each job. What cad-cam software and post processor are you using? Alex.
Im still building the machine, nearly finished! so have been sorting out the VFD and spindle side. I did have it not connected to the Blackbox and it worked fine, so have ran another cable and want to test it connected first really? Is that possible without running a job? I havent sorted my spoilboard out yet
0-10v logic signal - based on the value of "S" scaled between the values set in $31 and $32 in Grbl Settings. More importantly, make sure your VFD is configured to accept control signals properly. See docs:blackbox:connect-vfd [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Hi thanks finally got it sorted. I was getting a voltage from the blackbox to my VFD. The problem was the settings on the VFD. I had turned on analogue input 1 to accept 0 to 10v. The problem was I since I was controlling from the terminal block, nor the inbuilt keypad anymore the jumper wire on pin 1 and 2 (on/of) had to be made open and then close before it would work. So changed that in the parameters and all is fine now. I'm using the Openbuilds interface and did notice that the only control options for the spindle is on and off? Not like the pc version of Control where you can change the speed etc
You don't really use the menu (it's just there for basic testing). Your GCODE should contain the correct commands.