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Makerbase MKS DLC32 Offline Controller

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by jeffmorris, Feb 21, 2023.

  1. jeffmorris

    jeffmorris Journeyman

    Nov 6, 2017
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  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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  3. jeffmorris

    jeffmorris Journeyman

    Nov 6, 2017
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    I could get a Blackbox X32 but my CNC router has external stepper drivers and NEMA 34 motors that require 48VDC. That board shown at Amazon can be connected to external drivers, bypassing the internal drivers. Check page 8 at DLC32 wiring manual.pdf. I wish that there's a version of Blackbox X32 for external drivers.
  4. Bgoen

    Bgoen New

    Dec 29, 2022
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    I have one of these boards but lack of dual Y is a problem for me. I am using external digital drivers also. MKS has updated the firmware for the laser recently but not the CNC version. They do a good job with 3d printer boards but not sure this one is worth the time right now.
    #4 Bgoen, Mar 1, 2023
    Last edited: May 10, 2023
  5. dJOS_500

    dJOS_500 Journeyman

    Jul 16, 2022
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    Yep, it's a great little board for small CNC machines using Nema 17 Steppers - Im running TMC2209 drivers on mine and it's been great. Im just waiting for FluidNC to be fully supported by OB Control so I can toss the stock firmware (it's fine, but FluidNC is IMO better).

    Upgraded 3018 Pro using MGN15H Linear Rails and a 500w Spindle

    That said, I do have a BlackBbox X32 on my wish list, but it'll have to wait till I can afford Ball Screws and dual Y-axis stepper motors driving a moving gantry.
  6. Robhoski

    Robhoski New

    May 11, 2024
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    I'm running an MKS DLC32 V2.1 board. It has dual Y axis ports. Seems pretty capable. I didn't order the display just the board and I'm setting up a homemade CNC table with it to run my plasma torch. Using external drivers (TB6600) since the board offers pinouts for external drivers. Now I'm tryiong to figure out how to trigger the plasma cutter - I think it will use either the spindle output or the laser output connected to a relay. This is my first time in the CNC world so taking me a long time to grasp it all. I want to use the wifi feature of this board so I don't have to be connected to the table, but I haven't been able to figure that out yet either. I thiink I might need the display to get the wifi to work.
    dJOS_500 likes this.
  7. dJOS_500

    dJOS_500 Journeyman

    Jul 16, 2022
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    The basic onboard spindle relay should work just fine, but the PWM output (5v) Is even better as you can control power levels.

    I’m now running grblHAL on mine and using the PWM to control an external spindle controller, but this would apply to laser and plasma too.

    here’s my current firmware and config of it helps

    GitHub - dJOS1475/grblHAL_Backup: My grblHAL Config Backup

    btw, there’s another topic on the DLC32 over here that may contain useful info too.

    MKS DLC 32 problem.
  8. Robhoski

    Robhoski New

    May 11, 2024
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    Like I said - I know little to nothing about grbl code or how to insert it or what to expect even if I could figure it out. Total newbie to all of this. Might as well speak another language when it comes to the techy stuff. LOL If running CNC machines were apple pie in the oven, the best I could get would be the smell of something cooking. This stuff is all over the place in my head. So far I managed to wire the MKS board to some external steppers and use Open Builds Control to move the X,Y,and Z, axis on the machine I built out of v-slot extrusions. Getting this far has been a milestone for me, and I just want to be able to cut out some metal signs with a moving gantry using my cheap plasma cutter. Didn't really expect to be launched this far down the rabbit hole. I get that I could have simplified my life by buying some off the shelf stuff and converting it, and I probably could have saved time and frustration too, but apparently I'm a glutton for self-punishment. I get a probe error on the z-axis when I try to dry run the g-code file I created on Open Builds Design and uploaded to Open Builds Control, but I'm sure that is because I have no limit switches installed yet to measure z-axis movement (waiting on those to come in the mail).

    But thanks for the tip on the spindle conection and/or the PMW output to trigger a relay for the plasma trigger. Now to just figure out how to do it and what pins to connect to and what relay to use. I sure would like to figure out how to run this board wirelessly too, but the MKS Tool software I downloaded (which is supposed to contain a wifi configuration utility) seemed out of date and it's in Chinese. **** this stuff is hard. Thanks for the reply - I'll visit that other link too. Peace.
    dJOS_500 likes this.
  9. dJOS_500

    dJOS_500 Journeyman

    Jul 16, 2022
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    Howdy, YouTube comments are rather temperamental ATM so I’ll reply here:

    i could never get wifi working on the stock firmware, I had to use grblHAL to get it working. My compiled firmware on GitHub has it enabled by default. You then use IoSender to configure everything. Once that’s done, you can use OB Control to connect via wifi.

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