Just got the new INTERFACE CNC controller and seems to work well. Just one question, is there a way to change what the 'Goto XYZ zero' button does. When I press this button it first drops the z height to near 0 then travels both x and y the drops to z 0. I would much rather it first traveled to x and y with the z all the way up and then drop to z 0 after arriving at x,y 0. OR maybe even have 'goto xy 0' and 'goto z0' be different options.
Its the same behavior as CONTROL. Move to Z5, then XY zero. Then Z zero. The Z5 moves ensure its above the surface (zero) for almost all setups. If it did XY first, what if Z was at or below zero (; Why Z5? Because its unlikely to cause a crash, and works on machines without limits as well (where machine coordinates is not an option) - as the system is entirely modular some decisions have to be made based on whats best overall. Thanks for the suggestion will keep it in mind
Thanks for the reply. What I was trying to say may not have come across clearly. I would want it to raise the z to full height, travel to xy, then drop. Moving to xy without raising z then moving z to 0 is not what I am suggesting. Maybe this will inspire me to lean to write my own g code macros.
On my Marlin software for my 3d printer the head goes up 5mm from where ever it is at the moment, without going down to 0, and than it homes to X and Y and only THEN it homes the Z to zero.
This will work assuming you are ALWAYS 'faking the home' or have home switches in use, in other words, GRBL is always reset with Z up high as it will go. ALWAYS! then, this macro does what you want Code: G21 G90 G17 ; set some mode stuff to what we need, G21 is mm mode, G90 is absolute coordinates, G17 is XY plane G53 G0 Z0 ; raise to machine Z=0 G0 X0 Y0 ; move to work 0,0 ; optional, move Z down - I prefer to have this in a separate macro G0 Z5 A companion macro is this one, it moves everything to machine 0,0,0, I use this before turning off, then when I turn on again, 'faking the home' is done Code: G21 G90 G17 G53 G0 Z0 ; raise up G53 G0 X0 Y0 ; go home If you ever use G92 offsets then you need to add G92.1 to the header codes. (-: Peter is not in favour of using G53 without home switches, I am not in favour of using G92 for anything, ever.
Interface doesnt support editing the macro. As mentioned above we appreciate the suggestion and may incorporate enhancements at a later stage
I am having the same, problem. After I home machine when first starting up, I then set go to work zero. My Z axis lowers and then my X and Y axis's start to move towards the work zero. my problem is I have hold downs on my piece and if one the hold owns is in the way, the machine will crash into it. Is there a way to set the machine up so that it runs the X and Y to go to the work zero and then lower the Z?
You can use g-code. First raise Z to a safe height. Then send G0 X0 Y0. Then if you go to workplace zero it should just lower Z. Sorry, not familiar with the interface controller yet - you might have to create a g-code macro to do that. Alex.
If you do not want to type in Gcode, safely jog close to your work zero-- clear of any clamps -- and start the program.
This was bothering me too, especially in gcode generated by SketchUcam, so I modified it and the most recent release will always start the job with Z high and move to the start position liek that before moving Z down to clearance height. I had already solved it with my own 'gohome' and 'gotowork' macros in bCNC.
Thanks David, I am not familiar with doing macros. I guess you could say I am a novice and that’s why I am using the Blackbox X32 as it is a plug n play. Could you let me know how to do that as it would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Don
Assuming you are using OpenBuildsCONTROL and have homing enabled and are using it, then see my post for that-jim at INTERFACE controller go to zero question and,in CONTROL you create a Gcode macro and put this in it Code: G21 G90 G17 G53 G0 Z-5 G0 X0 Y0 That will move Z up to 5mm short of the limit switch, then move to your work zero. After that you can start your job safely. Another way to so the same thing is to set your safe (also called retract) height in your CAM to high enough to clear the clamps, then the Gcode will do a safe move over the clamps for you since it will move to retract height before moving to X0,Y0