Hi . Recently I bought a lead 1010 Machie, I assembled it and I have problems with installation. I have downloaded software from openbuilds.com and when to select I need, I do not appear the Com27 option, only the com3 option appears. Why don't I have that Com27 option for blackbox ? Thank you
Dont worry about the COM numbers. Select whichever COM port that your blackbox is connected to. If you installed the drivers the name will start with FTDI USB to serial COM<whatever com port yours is on>
I installed everything and connected the software but the machine does not move. . it makes a sound as if something is stuck. it does not move in any direction
Does the machine move freely by hand with the blackbox not connected? If so, double check your wiring: docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation]
I checked the wires and everything is connected correctly. The X and Y axes are more difficult to move by hand than the Z axis. I disconnected the motors from the threaded bar and tried to see if the motors work like this. the engines do not work even if they are disconnected
They should be fairly easy to move by hand. If not follow this thread: Lead screw into nut block, really too tight to even turn by hand
Also, for a sanity check, did you pick a machine profile in the grbl settings tab? It could be that your machine doesnt have the correct settings.
Fluid NC in CONTROL is not ready for prime time yet. See FluidNC support · Issue #283 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL Spindle rpm, jog distances all those need one of the uncompleted tasks (parsing configs). When FluidNC is completely implement we will send out announcements, and updated documentation, for now its in development and testing still. Only grbl and grblHAL are supported. Follow the GitHub Issue above for updates when the developers implement milestones.