Hello, I'm new to this forum and I searched it as much as I could for an answer but did not find it. I currently have a Shapeoko 3 XXL and it's a good machine but has it's limitation namely the size. I am wondering if it is possible to replace the stock extruded rails that come with the Shapeoko for the C Beam rails, has anyone done it? If it is possible, what do I need to make it work? Thanks
Don't recall as it having been done on this forum. But you may be able to make it work with a combination of C-Beam 40x80 Linear Rail Aluminum Extrusion Profile (openbuildspartstore.com) for the framing and OpenRail Linear Rail - OpenBuilds Part Store for the wheel rails. What size are the existing framing members? What is the top to bottom dimension of the wheel rails?
Turns out what you seek is fairly simple. The OpenRail Linear Rail - OpenBuilds Part Store added to C-Beam sections provides the same depth as the Shapeoko extrusion. Not as wide though. You can either use the openrail simply attached to the C-Beam or to a built up C-beam section. The simple C-Beam combination should be more than enough for the side rails. For the X-axis, the built up section may be better. On the X-axis you may be better off though cutting a new axis plate that uses regular Openbuilds Xtreme Solid V Wheel Kit (openbuildspartstore.com) due to the eccentricity of the Z-axis hanging off the face. 4 top and 4 bottom evenly spaced wheels would give you a much better grip. Attached is a concept for upgrading. It's largely based on the lead machine framing but uses 1/4" x 1-3/4" bar stock on the corners to support the rails. Sketchup file attached. It's not fully detailed but should be sufficient to give you the idea. You will need to drill new holes in the Y-axis gantry plates to match the screw holes on the C-beam. Keep us updated on how it goes.