Hi guys. New to the forum. Built my CNC in 2017 been ok since. Just upgraded PC to Win10 so needed USBBOB. Things to watch out for upgrading, auto slaving of Y and A did not copy across to new Mach3 setup. Also you need to use port 3 for the inputs or the BOB will not see the limit switches, probe, etc. Biggest issue for me is only pins 2 & 3 for limits. Various advise online about wiring series or parallel. Tried both. Cant get the cnc past the auto level. I only have one limit for Y at the front, presume you need 2 to auto level. I dont understand how the machine would know which side of the bed to level if the limits are on the same pin. Can the Homing Auto level be turned off as i dont really need it. Regards Fogster101
Hi. I posted a thread on cnc router called something like auto levelling on y axis and now i cannot find it.
Here it is Auto level of Y axis on USB break out board (it was behind the sofa ) For future reference, if you go to your profile, you can find all the posts that you've made
If you click on your profile pic you can look up "Your Content" Meanwhile; Auto level of Y axis on USB break out board Alex.
Thanks Alex, and misterg. When i said new to this. Now you know why. I just expected to post comments and then everyone replies. Dont worry i will get there.