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OBs future, what’s in the pipeline as the competition progresses

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by ljvb, Apr 14, 2023.

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  1. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    So, it’s been a while since I have posted, Ben mostly happy with my Lead 1010.
    That said, I’m very happy with OB in general, but things seem to be a little stagnant. What’s happening guys? What’s on the roadmap. As I start looking for a new machine, I don’t feel like tinkering and designing upgrades, the existing ones from here, namely the Piranha, seem to be rather costly to get to the US.

    And with the recent releases (although still not available stateside) from Ratrig, at almost a comparable cost (cheaper for the non ballscrew, and the a1500x1500 workable area one with the ballscrews being only $200 more than the lead 1515 which has a smaller work area), what is OB doing to compete.

    disclaimer, I have no relationship with any vendor or person, just an enthusiastic user who wants to continue to support OB, but is watching OB falling behind its potential competitors.

    tell me OB has something coming out in the near future…

    mods, if this is going to start penitential arguments, feel free to delete, but I’m genuinely interested in knowing what’s up so I can plan what my next steps are as I outgrow my lead 1010 (I really hate the wheels…)
    Alex Chambers and Rick 2.0 like this.
  2. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    Nothing.. also.. I noticed that the pirahna seems to have been removed from the site.. that is disappointing.
  3. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    you do realize that the BB X32 was released just a few months back, along with software to support it (on pc and Interface), and the Fusion360 postprocessor to support the A axis is in beta testing.
    now you want more? what would that be? being an open system the idea is that users such as yourself develop new ideas using the 'lego bricks' of the OB system.
    This is what makes the 'products' much more affordable than other systems, to support internal R&D for every new idea is very expensive, just ask Elon (-:
    Christian James likes this.
  4. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
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    Jun 28, 2013
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    There are lots in the works in the background, stay tuned and make sure you're on the mailing list for future releases, updates and announcements.
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  5. ljvb

    ljvb Well-Known

    Feb 14, 2019
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    I'm on the lists. As to Davids comment, I was thinking more on the mechanical side of things. The Lead was released in 2018..

    Like I said, I am a fan of OB, I am a huge fan of open source in general. I'm not expecting updates every few months, or tons off R&D. But as time moves on, I have been hoping that many of the requests, or aspects of the various user base builds, would make it into the retail versions.

    Back to the Open Source part, I am a little disappointed that the Piranha (searches find nothing for me now.. ) thread and build is gone. I am guessing the builder chose to do this to remove competition to the builders retail project (correct me if I am wrong), but that goes against the nature of open source and open type projects.
    David the swarfer likes this.
  6. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    On the piranha there must have been something that violated the terms, more than likely a company using the forum as a sales platform for their own products. We share our ideas here at OpenBuilds as open source when possible to allow people to help one another learn. As you can imagine this does not mean that we allow others to come in and freely post their products and use the forum as their store front/support center. If you need support or would like to purchase their products I'm sure you can find a way to contact them directly.

    For OpenBuilds it's going great! MANY things in the works especially planning and getting foundations laid since the new locations open lots of new doors for us as a company have also opened. It's amazing how much work is being done and we can't wait to share as soon as we can

  7. Giarc

    Giarc OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 24, 2015
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    There has actually been a couple of builds taken down by the submitters in the last year or two. As mentioned above, most likely for the submitter's own commercial benefit. I am glad I grabbed the info I could from them when they were up.
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