Hello, All of a sudden my blackbox is not responding to jog instructions, both from the laptop connected via usb or from the interface. Both were working and now not. Its almost as if my firmware was flashed or something. I can turn on the spindle but not move in any direction or run the probe. Can anyone suggest what might be wrong please? Thank you.
Hello Peter, $4=7 Well the 24vPSU seems to be working as I can control the spindle from the control app both on the laptop and interface.
I must have zapped my grbl settings. Ive set $4 back to zero and it is moving again albeit slowly. Is there a place where I can retrieve acceptable grill settings (defaults) for the 1515?
From the LEAD 1515 "Build" Page" OpenBuilds LEAD CNC Machine 1515 (60" x 60") : When using an OpenBuilds BlackBox all in one plug and play controller follow along with the main BlackBox wiring video. LEAD CNC 1515 GRBL Settings Set your board to 1/8th steps You can use $$ to look up your grbl settings in the software. $0=10 (step pulse, usec) $1=255 (step idle delay, msec) $2=0 (step port invert mask:00000000) $3=4 (dir port invert mask:00000110) $4=1 (step enable invert, bool)(Board V1, V2, V3 Matte = $4=0 - Glossy board V3 = $4=1) $5=0 (limit pins invert, bool) $6=0 (probe pin invert, bool) $10=1 (status report mask:00000010) $11=0.020 (junction deviation, mm) $12=0.002 (arc tolerance, mm) $13=0 (report inches, bool) $20=0 (soft limits, bool) $21=0 (hard limits, bool) $22=1 (homing cycle, bool) $23=3 (homing dir invert mask:00000000) $24=100.000 (homing feed, mm/min) $25=1000.000 (homing seek, mm/min) $26=250 (homing debounce, msec) $27=5.000 (homing pull-off, mm) $30=1000 (Maximum spindle speed, RPM) $31=0 (Minimum spindle speed, RPM) $32=0 (Laser-mode enable, boolean) $100=199.100 (x, step/mm) $101=199.100 (y, step/mm) $102=199.100 (z, step/mm) $110=2500 (x max rate, mm/min) (Go up to 7500) $111=2500 (y max rate, mm/min) (Go up to 7500) $112=2500 (z max rate, mm/min) (Go up to 7500) $120=150.000 (x accel, mm/sec^2) $121=150.000 (y accel, mm/sec^2) $122=150.000 (z accel, mm/sec^2) $130=1100 (x max travel, mm) $131=1270 (y max travel, mm) $132=100 (z max travel, mm)
@Giarc no that's outdated - BlackBox X32 runs GrblHAL. Correct procedure is way simpler: CONTROL > grbl settings tab > Select machine from the list > Save and Reset Or INTERFACE > Tools and Utils > Load Grbl Profile > Select machine from the list. Reset BlackBox when done. Putting BlackBox 4X parameters on an X32 will cause all kinds of issues ($4,5,6,10 and many others differ). CONTROL and INTERFACE are both clever enough to do the differences for you, and apply different values as needed.