I am not understanding something here. Everything has been fine until today. Started the machine, homed all, secured my material, set X , Y, Z Hights. Load the project, hit start and the Z raises up and hits the home switch. It use to stop just before the home switch. I tried moving the switch up and down, I have tried setting my Z travel higher/lower. nothing seems to change. At the project start, my Z raises up and hits the home switch. The Z height is set according to what 2 points? Does it matter where the home switch is placed? The Bit raise at start is measured from what 2 points? Thanks EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out - somehow my Z got set to 0 in the post process. But would still like to know more of how to properly set the Z height if there is a guide I can look up.
this is because of the interaction between home, homing and G53 safety moves. full details at Home, Fusion360 and G53 Z moves