I am currently using control software with the openbuilds blackbox which actually works very well except for one issue. If I include comments at the top of the file (in parenthesis) to tell me tool, stock size etc.. I continually get an error and end up removing the comments section before running the program. Is there a simple way to preserve the comments inside of my gcode files? Thanks Bill
Remove the inner parenthesis in the first line. As it is now grbl will consider it as Comment: (Tool: V-Bit (45.0� - 297/500") Garbage: - 0.594)
This is what I'm using; VCarve Desktop OpenBuilds GRBL (inches) post processor Is there a way to make this post processor send out the gcode in the correct format? The code is still giving me issues unless I remove the comments prior to running it. I will try to run it again with the comments to see if I can capture the actual error code. I would like to be able to use code with the comments as it is quite a time saver for me during job setup. Thanks for the help so far. Bill
Check your Tool Library, seems the extra brackets comes from comments on the tool itself The invalid Degree character as well, cleaning up the tool library will help Comments by itself is allowed (Though semicolon lines are preffered to brackets, for example ;this is a comment you can use Brackets as well but make sure it only has one opening, and one closing bracket)
I think I may have figured this out. I tested it on one of the gcode files and it seemed to work so far. I'll be back if I have any issues with it. What I did was remove the line in the post processor that was telling it to write the first tool line in the g-code. Thanks for all the help. Bill
Shouldn't need to (no other reports), but just check your Tool Library - when you added the tool you used the "degree" character and added brackets it seems - and remove the Brackets from the descriptions all will be working fine with the standard post, and include the tool info (useful to know what bit the job was CAM'ed with)