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Heavier Spindle Lead 1010

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by TimBS, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. TimBS

    TimBS New

    May 10, 2023
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    Apologies if this has already been asked and answered but searching these forums even via Google is not always the best.

    I'm thinking about upgrading to a heavier spindle Spindle Motor 3 Phase 2.2KW Water cooled ER20 with Matching VFD + Mount but I've seen some concerns on other threads and other sites about weight on machines. Currently I just have a Dewalt router in there.

    The supplier has said the whole thing weighs 7kg.

    Would that system work or will it be too heavy?

    I'm relatively new to the CNC world but I would like less noise because I'm operating in a garage in a fairly built up area and I'd like to run longer jobs.

    I have another issue as well with my left Y getting stuck when it is all the way at the back trying to come forward the right Y never seems to get stuck, but I'll have to record a video of that later in the week. I've really only been learning with jobs in the front half of the machine so this hasn't been a major issue yet.
  2. Alex Chambers

    Alex Chambers Master
    Moderator Builder

    Nov 1, 2018
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    Too heavy and far more powerful than you will ever be able to use (or need). That is nearly 3 Horse power which would be a respectable power unit on an industrial machine - an aluminium extrusion framework is just not rigid enough to withstand the forces involved.
    I machine everything from soft plastic to mild steel using a 700 watt RoutER11. If you can find an online speeds and feeds calculator that also predicts the power required you will be surprised at how little power is needed even for the hardest materials.

    If your Y axis is binding at one end of it's travel it is likely that the leadscrew is being pulled out of alignment at that end. Check that the mounting plate at that end is correctly installed, that nut blocks have any spacers needed in the correct position, that bearings are still good. Without standing next to the machine it's difficult to predict what might be causing it but, if loosening the nut blocks slightly eases the problem, it is very likely to be an alignment issue.


    PS, re long jobs, if you are using Vectric software it's pretty easy to modify a post processor for "tape splitting" - breaking a long job into shorter sections, each section output as a separate g-code file.
    #2 Alex Chambers, Aug 16, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
    Giarc and Peter Van Der Walt like this.
  3. TimBS

    TimBS New

    May 10, 2023
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    Thanks for the advice Alex!

    I assume the ER11 is the same as the Dewalt with the loud fan noise. I realise noise is a part of the game when cutting etc but I just want to try and avoid pissing off the neighbours.

    So any little thing I can do to minimise it is worth exploring and could possibly let me run jobs into the evening etc. I'm currently only doing stuff when I can get there and I try to stick to working hours. So with that in mind do you know of a water cooled version in a manageable size and weight category for the 1010.
    If not thats not a problem I'll stick with what I got and improve my enclosure if that is a better strategy.

    I do use this table docs:tips:dewalt-rpm-table [OpenBuilds Documentation] but I'm afraid it makes around the same amount of noise on all settings.

    I am using and learning Vectric, I'll look into tape splitting as well thanks! I'll record a video of my y issue.

  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Check out OpenBuilds Modular Enclosure System

    Any spindles own noise is well drowned out by the actual cutting - endmill flutes hitting material is the one that gets the neighbours.

    So instead, enclose the noise. Opt for plywood panels on the sides and stick some noise absorbing sheet (Dynamat) on underside of spoil board / table, and enclosure sides.

    You will not be sorry
    Alex Chambers likes this.
  5. Alex Chambers

    Alex Chambers Master
    Moderator Builder

    Nov 1, 2018
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    I use the RoutER11 CNC Kit which is MUCH quieter than any other router I have used (and that's a lot of different makes both 1/4" and 1/2") - before that I had a chinese clone of the Makita which was very noisy - still tended to be drowned out by the noise from the cutting bit and the dust extraction though.

    For spindles you could look for 800W (I believe they do exist in both air cooled and water cooled although the latter are hard to find) or 1.5KW.
    With a water cooled spindle you have all the hassle of setting up the water cooling and protecting yourself from the risk of legionella - warm water is perfect breeding grounds for it. Don't go cheap on the VFD - look for one that has emi suppressant circuitry built in - we deal with problems caused by emi from VFD's almost every week.

    If noise is really going to be an issue for you consider building an enclosure for the machine - Enclosures Kits - OpenBuilds Part Store - helps to control the mess as well.

    Palm routers are noisiest when run at high speed - many people run them far too fast - I rarely run my RoutER11 above it's bottom speed - 13Krpm as I'm in a 220 volt area - it's bottom speed for the 110 volt version is 11Krpm. A three phase spindle, especially a water cooled one, will have the advantage of being able to run even slower.

  6. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Checkout the attached video to see a real world example of a modified OpenBuilds Enclosure 's effect on noise (modification not really affecting the noise result - customer preferred a sliding door to swing doors due to space constraints as far as I recall)

    Original link: Parkers 3D Prints on Instagram: "Adding a simple seal to the edges of the CNC dramatically dampened the sound! Warning headphones users!! . . . #cnc #cncrouter #router #sounddampening #doorseal #spindle #cncmachining #openbuilds"

    Attached Files:

  7. sjashe

    sjashe New

    Mar 3, 2021
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    Any thoughts re: the pwncnc spindles kits? Are they too heavy for a 1010?

    My concern is the brushes going during a long run and having to start over. I don't mind investing for the future (even though it is a hobby).
  8. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    A stock lead could handle a 0.8kw 65mm body spindle. If you go with the High-Z add-on you can go up to 1.5kw 65mm body.

    The vendor you mention seems expensive - look on Amazon - just get one of VFDs with a good writeup as at the bottom of docs:blackbox-x32:connect-vfd [OpenBuilds Documentation] so some groundwork is done for you before you get stuck in. Should be able to get a 0.8kw for under $250

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