hello, I have been using my lead1515 machine for a while with no issues. Today, im trying to work on it and when im on the cam website, after generating my code it does not allow me to transfer it into my control. It only give me me the option to save it. When I save it and open it in control, it brings me back to cam & the page is blank without my design. I have updated the control 2 time, uninstalled it, redownloaded it, made sure firewall access is granted and it still does not let me transfer. Attached is a screen shot of what its showing me. I am on windows. Can someone please help or let me know if the systems currently down? Thanks!
Make use of the SAVE GCODE button provided (not the Save > Workspace button) - just one extra click Then go to CONTROL and use File > Open GCODE as instructed Updated SSL certificates will be available in a CONTROL update tomorrow which will re-enable Transfer
Hi thanks for the quick response. I explained that even when I save the gcode and open it in the control, it sends me back to the cam website and the canvas is then blank without my design. So something isn’t working. can you please explain what SSL certificate is as I’m still new to this. Thanks.
That sounds like you are opening an OBC file not a gcode file. OBC files gets sent back to CAM - please double check
Something you'll receive when you get the automatic update to V1.0.363 of CONTROL. The current certificate expired a couple hours ago, had to issue a new certificate and build an update release (v1.0.363) and set it up to be pushed out to you. You will receive it shortly. In the meantime the Save Gcode option was just tested again as working, so that is always an option when the Transfer option is temporarilly unavailable for whatever reason. Make sure to update to V1.0.363 soonest and all will be well again.
Alright perfect! Not sure why it was saving the other way, it's now saving as gcode. Thank you for explaining and for your help!
Sorry to necro an old thread, but I'm having this same issue today, running v1.0.370 of CONTROL. I haven't used my machine in awhile & was surprised to see this option missing. Any insight?
Well that's too bad, that was quite handy. I'll continue using the save function as recommended. That's what I did last night to get me going.
I’m sorry but I am new to this and I’m having a problem, after the last operation in the Openbuilds CAM program 4. Export G-code heading, I save the G code then go into machine control then open Gcode button and on the drop down menu choose open G code and click on the named item which is a G code file and click open and nothing the G code just doesn’t appear in the 3D view. It is still in the downloads folder but I can’t get it into the machine control program. Any advice will be welcome. Len.
Sounds like you are doing things right - can you attach the gcode file here so we can check that it's a valid file?
Thank you for the prompt response, I actually saw the run job arrow highlighted so even without the 3D view showing I proceeded and clicked on the arrow and after a few seconds the machine engraved exactly where and what I wanted. So it’s definitely processing the G code but not showing on my 3D view in the machine control section. Many thanks. Len.
Either PC has a problem (low spec, wrong gpu drivers, wrong chipset drivers etc) and cannot enable WebGL or perhaps accidentally disabled in Troubleshooting > Application diagnostics
Thank you very much, as you stated I went into the troubleshooting and application menu and found the Disable 3D viewer Realtime job position indicator box ticked. I just unticked it and now it shows in in the 3D view, again thank you. Len.