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Still having Problems XY0 setup

Discussion in 'Control Software' started by Stephen Charles Lynn, Oct 22, 2023.

  1. Stephen Charles Lynn


    Aug 3, 2023
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    I have been away for a couple of weeks. Back on it today.
    The machine has been working fine Homing ok until today when I taught the XY0 work position which was front left as viewed from front of machine. I then sent the machine home The machine Homed in the Z axis but when Homing in the X axis it triggers the proximity sensor moving left but doesn't move out of the trigger point to the right to reset the switch (it stays enabled). I have enabled and disabled the hard and soft limits but nothing changes still has a fault. I can reset the switch by moving X o the right about 0.5mm. I then try and move in the Y axis which moves positive to the front of the machine. trying to move negative it will only move back -Y by the amount I stepped forward. Everything was fine until I taught the work position. Obviously I have done something wrong. Is there a way I can get back to the position before I taught this XY0 reference or can you advise on what I have done wrong and how to correct it. Also If I load a backup which was created before I taught my Work XY0 front left of the machine I still have the problem and I can also get it to move to the work position. So it appears that Work position once taught remains even if you load a backup. If I revert to the factory settings would that clear the problem. i know that I would need to go through calibration and set switch settings $5=0 not the default 7. Like i said everything was fine until I taught XY0 for the work position I must have created a conflict between Home setting and work setting
  2. Misterg

    Misterg Veteran
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 27, 2022
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    That doesn't make sense to me - what exactly did you do?

    Is it a moving table or moving gantry machine? If moving gantry, Y positive should have the gantry moving towards the rear of the machine.

    Can you post your grbl settings (save them to a backup and post the text file).

    Did you check your machine coordinate system is correct as requested by Peter van der Walt in your other thread on this topic?

    Surface Wizard
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  3. Stephen Charles Lynn


    Aug 3, 2023
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    Gantry Machine Coordinates checked As viewed from the front +X moves to the right -X moves to the left Home position. +Y moves to the front -Y moves to the rear +Z moves up -Z moves down. It all started after teaching Work XY0. The machine will not home in X. It moves into limit but will not move out. I have to do it manually by moving X about 0.5mm. I can move X manually in both +X and -X and it works fine. I can move +Y but when I try to move -Y in runs up against what I think is a Soft Limit and just moves back and forwards by a very small amount causing the machine to judder. If I move the X axis say 100mm to the right and then Home the X axis judders as though its working against the Y axis if that makes any sense. From my view point the fault seems to be connected to the non homing of the Axis. I can manually move X in and out of limit and the switches work fine

    Attached Files:

  4. Stephen Charles Lynn


    Aug 3, 2023
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    I having issues with my phone but I was able capture this from the homing sequence

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  5. Misterg

    Misterg Veteran
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 27, 2022
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    That is backwards. Try setting $3 to 3 (currently 1) and check that the machine moves in the correct direction with the jog arrows. Y+ should move the gantry towards the rear of the machine.

    At least some of the juddering in your video is the Y axis motor stalling as the machine tries to move the gantry to Ymax (but going in the wrong direction). The machine won't pull off the X limit until it has also found the Y limit. If you sort out the correct machine geometry, things may well just sort themselves out.

    Check that the X axis limit switch is being correctly detected in the troubleshooting tab of control - the flags should all be green until you trigger the limit switch with something, then the CORRECT flag should turn red.

    What do you mean by that phrase? Describe what you did in a step-by-step sequence - did you change any settings?
  6. Stephen Charles Lynn


    Aug 3, 2023
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    the only settings I changed were the Soft and hard Limits by disabling them. In sequence what I did
    I moved the machine from it's Home position to the Front Left as viewed from the front of the machine.
    I positioned XY and Z to the corner of the spoilboard (front Left)
    I then clicked on XY0 to set the position.
    Then I clicked on Home to send the machine to the Home position
    That's when it homed fine in Z but would not home in Y and that's where the problems started.
    Must apologies -Y is moving to the front not as originally stated. So no need to change $3 command
  7. Alex Chambers

    Alex Chambers Master
    Moderator Builder

    Nov 1, 2018
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    Are you able to jog the Y axis? - is the issue only with the homing sequence?

  8. Stephen Charles Lynn


    Aug 3, 2023
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    No I can move Y to the front -Y but I can only move +Y to the rear about 10mm then it judders. I can move X+ -X smoothly until I try and home then X will judder which I think is being influenced by Y. Like I said I can move X in and out of limit manually it just doesn't work when i try and Home the machine
  9. Misterg

    Misterg Veteran
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 27, 2022
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    In which case, I think you have either a problem with mechanical binding or a wiring fault / loose connection somewhere.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  10. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    For reference, work through docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation]

    Take the motors off and spin leadscrews by hand - see if you feel binding. NOTE: Motors off the machine - spinning a motor by hand turns it into a generator that backfeeds your controller that could cause damage that won't be covered under warranty
  11. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    this is wrong, something has reset your GRBL setup

    1 - turn homing off
    2 - set axis drirections so that
    X+ moves right
    Y+ moves away
    Z+ moves up
    3 - turn homing on
    4 - test homing with hand hovering over emergency power off switch
    if X homing does nto move toward the X switch, change the X homing direction (not the axis direction, the homing direction)
    if Y homing does not move toward the Y switch, change the Y homing direction , as above.
    if homing Z does not move up, change the Z homing direction


    5 - make sure your homing pulloff distances make sense, they CANNOT be 0, must be positive number, 5mm is the default, is yours different?
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  12. Stephen Charles Lynn


    Aug 3, 2023
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    I removed both Y motors to check lead screws. I ran them forward and backwards using my battery drill no issues. I relocated the Y mid way on the table and homed the machine with no issues. The only suspicion was s loose grub-screw on one of the Y couplers. I have ordered some thread-lock to make sure it doesn't happen again. I will now re-teach my XY0 work coordinates and see how it goes.
    thanks for your assistance on this

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