I have macros an old computer which has Windows 7. This computer was only used to run the CNC but I recently upgraded to a newer laptop which has windows 11. Is there a way to transfer my macros from the old to the new computer? I see there is a .JSON import button so I tried importing this file from the old control file on the old computer: into the new computer and newly downloaded control but it doesn't seem to do anything. Am I doing something wrong or trying to import the wrong file or is this not possible?
I think you should be able to export each macro to a JSON file on the old computer, then import each of those files on the new computer.
I was running a old version of the control that would still work in win7 which didn't have the export option yet so I didn't know if the macros were stored in the file folder somewhere?
Edit the macros to view the source and copy/paste the relevant gcode/js to a text file to use to recreate them.