I'm new to this I'm wanting to build my own plasma table for light use mostly automotive parts im thinking im going to build a 5x10 table with nema 23 290 oz motors I like timing belt construction im not sure witch way is the best a looped belt with motor at the end of the extrusion or a single span of belt with the motor attached to the gantry im impressed with allot of the builds I see on here any advise would be app. I also am wondering witch way I best for electronics seprate stepper drivers for each motor or an all in one unit
I have several feet of 1/4 in 6061 aluminum 90 deg 3 inch angle that was given to me that im thinking I would build a table with then attach the aluminum extr to the sides of it that the gantry would ride on I think it would offer some protection from the plasma splatter
It is probably easier to use an 'all in one' controller board but by using separate drivers it is easier to replace one if it gets damaged or fails for some reason. It is perhaps just a matter of personal choice. Tweakie.
its not like any of it is that expensive I ordered a power supply 4 nema 23 and a all in one controller from Germany yesterday it also came with mac 3 and a parallel cabe 188.00 I also ordered a set of ox plates from Chris as soon a check comes in the mail im hitting check out on 700 worth of stuff from open builds I've wanted this for a long time and I am thinking if I build my own table when it breaks I can fix it as soon as I get started ill post pics of what im doing