Hello, I have recently added a laser crosshair on my workbee CNC. The CNC is controlled by a duet 2. With lightburn, I have been able to use the laser offset functionality but as I have wifi issues in my garage I prefer to still upload the file on my machine in place of controlling it from lightburn directly to avoid disconnections. But, when I save the gcode from lightburn it appear that this offset isn't applied. How could I do to do the same feature? I guess that I should be able to use my Before / after gcode scripts section of lightburn but I didn't find the correct code to add. (Except if they are an option in lightburn for that?) I have tried to something like this - G0 X500 Y500 ; move to 500, 500. => Machine coordinate (G55) 750, 750. Tool position (G54): 500, 500 - G57 ; Switch to the G57 coordinate system => Machine coordinate (G55) 750, 750. Tool position (G57): 500, 500 - G10 L2 P4 X100 ; set an offset of 100 in X. => Machine coordinate (G55) 750, 750. Tool position (G57): 600, 500 The two positions Machine/tool are the positions I see in the UI. I have also tried to switch to G54 or G55 coordinate before setting the G10 but it always just do an offest from the machine coordinate not from the current position. How could I do that? REgards,