I have an Openbuilds Blackbox X32. I have my Grblhal all set,I followed the directions to set it up with Lightburn, I can Jog and set coordinates and it moves fine. I should add I have it set to home to the back left, I would like the motors in the back. When running say a simple line, starting at 600 mm and finishing at 1000 mm. When executing the Gcode machine moves under speed around 200 mm and then “stalls” for 20-30 seconds, except it's moving in the positive direction, then homes back to zero. What is going on? I have a Neje max4 and everything works flawlessly. I need to figure this out. Please someone help me out. TYIA.
Sounds like docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] Or Acceleration Grbl v1.1 Configuration or Max Rate Grbl v1.1 Configuration set too high