Hello. First off, I am a total newbie and just trying to get up to speed on a new 1515. I went to do a test run today, but my probe seems to be malfunctioning and I don't have a clue how to correct it. I have used the probe before and it worked just fine, so I know it's not my computer or the software. When running the probe setup, it sets the x zero just fine, then the z zero (on top of the box), but then when it goes to set the y zero it just keeps pushing against the probe until I cancel. One time it did set the y zero okay, but then it went to the little hole in the box, lowered into it and pushed against the y axis again until I canceled. This worked before, so I'm kind of baffled. I also tried running it from the CNC Interface Touch, but it just says 'probe program not found'. I have no doubt whatsoever it's operator error, but how do I fix it?
Skipped section 3.3 of the Interface Documentation? docs:interface:prepare-usb-drive [OpenBuilds Documentation] Is the magnet solidly on the collet's flat face? Endmill nice and clean (must be able to conduct electric signal, resin buildup / oils / some coatings like wax / etc can isolate the endmill preventing signal flowing to plate)
I believe the Interface has been set up properly, it works for everything else. I have noticed that I can only have either the laptop OR the Interface connected at any given time though, so I make sure to disconnect the connection for whatever device I'm not using. We have loaded jobs on a thumbdrive and successfully executed them in some trial runs. But we had someone here who is familiar with CNC machines, so no doubt it's something stupid I'm doing or not doing. I don't believe we ever ran the probe off of the Interface though... is there something separate that needed to be installed for the probe to run on that? The magnet does solidly contact the collet, and we tested conductivity by holding the probe manually to the endmill on all axis, and get a green light. So I'm confused!
You reported the symptom that confirms you didn't copy the probe files to the USB using the wizard.... Yes, Step 3.3 But fix your probe issues first, the host in use (CONTROL or Interface) doesn't matter if its not making contact You thats the whole point of the Interface "no more laptops" 2-seconds in. Its a PC replacement See
I tried another endmill, and it worked just fine. (the samd endmill we used previously) so it must be an issue with the other mill. It had been used on wood previously, so I agree that there must be some pitch or something on there. I'll try to get the file for the probe into the Interface, I definitely like using that more than my laptop!
Okay... I loaded the files and got the probe software working on the Interface now. But does it reside only on the usb? When I take that usb out, the probe software goes with it.