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Probing sequence won't move anything

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by intjonmiller, Jan 1, 2023.

  1. intjonmiller


    Aug 1, 2017
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    I upgraded from an arduino and cnc shield where XYZ probing was working fine on my custom made touch plate. I got everything wired into the X32 controller and now I'm having an issue. I upgraded to the XYZ Touch Probe Plus to simplify things but that is the only difference here. The other night after hooking everything up I tried to run a probe sequence and as soon as the tool contacted the plate I got an error message and everything stopped. I think I even had to quit the program to do anything else? It was late and I knew I wasn't up for it at the time so I went to bed and figured I'd try again later. I didn't bother writing down what the error was because I figured it would happen again.

    It didn't. Tonight I tried again and now it just won't move anything when I initiate the probe sequence. Jogging all axes works just fine. Here's what happens in the console:

    [18:59:09] [ G21 ] ok

    [18:59:09] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 G49 G98 G50 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0.]

    [18:59:09] [ $G ] ok

    [18:59:09] [ G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0 ] ok​

    Using the current release (v1.0.341) of Open Builds Control, the X32 is running grblHAL 1.1f. Using the troubleshooting tab the probe behaves perfectly (green when not contacting the magnetic contact lead; instantly red when it makes contact).

    I know there are grounding issues that sometimes come into play with probing, but I can't detect any continuity that would be an issue. The RoutER11 is mounted with two stout 3D printed PLA mounts. It doesn't have a ground wire. The plate is on a 2" thick piece of scrap wood. The tool is not touching the plate when I try to initiate the probe sequence. I don't see any path where grounding would be an issue, but I'm not ruling out something I haven't thought to check yet.

    I tried to search but couldn't come up with the right search terms to find anything like this, and my eyes were glazing over after 6 or 8 pages of general probing threads from a more general search. None of the many threads I read covered anything like this. I won't be the least bit offended if someone simply points me in the right direction or clues me into the right search terms that I didn't think of.

    I have maybe 10 hours on the previous controller before it quit working. That's the extent of my CNC knowledge/experience. In any response please don't assume that I know what I'm doing. :-D

    Thank you!
  2. RonBKnox

    RonBKnox New

    Nov 5, 2022
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    Sounds like problem I was having also. Support told me to make sure I had the recent control software update and then use the wizard tab and install the firmware update imbedded in the new controller software update. Probe has worked perfectly since doing that. Hope it helps.
  3. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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  4. intjonmiller


    Aug 1, 2017
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    Thank you both! That makes sense. I guess I unconsciously assumed that since I had purchased it so recently it was up to date. Definitely not a reasonable assumption.

    Unfortunately now I have a new issue, wherein I am not able to update due to a Python error. Here's the output:

    [09:37:04] [ Firmware Upgrade ] [Starting...]

    [09:37:04] [ Firmware Upgrade ] env: python: No such file or directory

    [09:37:04] [ Firmware Upgrade ] [exit:127]

    [09:37:04] [ Firmware Upgrade ] Firmware Update FAILED! Please review the logs above, or try again​

    I'm on an M1 Pro MacBook Pro running Monterey 12.4. I just installed Python 3.11.1 from the Python website. I am somewhat capable in Terminal but it's not my native language to say the least.

    Thanks again!
  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    On Windows it will just run (always the easier option), on Mac/Windows, you need to install Python, and make it available on the path How to add Python to the PATH variable in Mac
    David the swarfer likes this.
  6. intjonmiller


    Aug 1, 2017
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    Thanks! Sounds like a link worth adding to the page about the firmware upgrade process.

    I haven't found anything in years that I wanted to do enough to track down a Windows computer to do it. I use that trash enough at work, but not in my home. ;)
    David the swarfer likes this.
  7. intjonmiller


    Aug 1, 2017
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    Okay, so after hours of frustration and a lot of help from my brother, a 30 year veteran software developer on every platform, we tracked down some issues with the path. Turns out launching Control from the Terminal it worked fine because Terminal knew where Python was, but when I launched it from Finder it didn't (everything else worked, just not the firmware update wizard). But then we got another error saying I needed to install Pyserial. So we did that. Then it said it couldn't update the BB X32. It acts like it's connecting, and the USB icon on the controller is flashing, but it always fails with this message:

    [10:09:34] [ Firmware Upgrade ] _

    [10:09:34] [ Firmware Upgrade ] _

    [10:09:34] [ Firmware Upgrade ] _

    [10:09:35] [ Firmware Upgrade ] _

    [10:09:35] [ Firmware Upgrade ] A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header : Make sure the Interface is in BOOTLOADER MODE. See docs:interface:firmware-update-control [OpenBuilds Documentation]

    [10:09:35] [ Firmware Upgrade ] [exit:2]

    [10:09:35] [ Firmware Upgrade ] Firmware Update FAILED! Please review the logs above, or try again
    BUG NOTE: I am NOT updating an Interface! I'm updating a BlackBox X32. I select that tab in the firmware update wizard every time, yet it gives me a link to the Interface updating instructions. Both are ESP32 devices, correct? So is this just a case of the wrong link being copied to the error message in the software? Or is the software actually trying to update an Interface when I select the BlackBox X32? See screenshot. I have tried following the instructions on that linked page to put it in bootloader mode (an instruction which is not on the BBX32 firmware update page) in case that made a difference but it did not.

    Of note everything else seems to be functioning just fine. Limit switches, probe, jogging axes, etc. We're definitely connecting to it just fine. Except the firmware update part. Maybe something was broken on this very recent minor update v1.0.342?? v1.0.341 was when the grblHAL firmware update was added.

    The firmware update instructions should definitely be expanded to cover what are apparently known obstacles when updating from MacOS. Every developer I personally know (and I know many) uses a MacBook Pro regardless of the platform for which they are developing. Windows, iOS, Android, MacOS, etc. (I don't personally know anyone currently developing for Linux, so I imagine that would be an exception, but I do know multiple people who run Linux on MacBooks Pro.) It is past time to stop treating MacOS like an afterthought.

    Attached Files:

  8. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Thanks for the report, both are ESP32 based, both have Mode/Reset buttons, will update message (Interface tool was built first, extended for use with X32) but the basics are the same. Its just the message saying Interface (changed in v1.0.343 coming out later today to say "devices" to avoid confusion - see v1.0.343 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL@55749cf)

    Windows does the Autoreset without issue. If your machine doesn't (timing of USB DTR/RTS) - manually Hold down MODE, press RESET, let go of RESET, wait a second and let go of MODE while the log onscreen does the "...----....----" ticks - as its waiting for the device to respond. Entering bootloader mode at that time should let it flash

    You're only the first person to report these issues, not sure yet if its machine specific, or MacOS version, incorrect FTDI drivers, why MacOSs built in python isn't working for you (it should come with Python 3 by default and "just work") and all that. Appreciate your commentary, and of course if its a known issue it would have been addressed by now - see the Git repo and how often we do maintain.
    Instead of hours of frustration and then feeling upset - rather knock in here straight away so we can see how we can help you - productively - and positively!

    We don't - Electron makes cross platform dev super easy - some external tools like esptool.py is of course outside our control.
  9. intjonmiller


    Aug 1, 2017
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    I was referring to this when I referred to it being an afterthought, and about updating the instructions:
    That's what I meant by "apparently known obstacles". Did I misunderstanding your meaning there? Sounded like something you've come across before so you immediately recognized it.

    Thank you, I will try that the next chance I get to work on it!
  10. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Not with CONTROL specifically, but Macs having trouble with Python Paths I have had before. Had to google up an article to point you to on the fly :)
    intjonmiller likes this.
  11. intjonmiller


    Aug 1, 2017
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    That worked perfectly! Thank you!
  12. samuel kalika


    Jan 22, 2024
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    Hi there! I arrived in this thread because I have the same error there. Peter I installed Python on mac, followed the tutorial until the successful prompt, but still get the same error when I try to update the firmware of the blackbox x32 through the openbuild app on my M1 Mac. I have Python 3.12 installed.
    Screenshot of the terminal window attached

    Error I get:
    [16:36:01] [ Firmware Upgrade ] [Starting...]
    [16:36:01] [ disconnect ] PORT INFO: Port closed
    [16:36:01] [ Firmware Upgrade ] env: python: No such file or directory
    [16:36:01] [ Firmware Upgrade ] [exit:127]
    [16:36:01] [ Firmware Upgrade ] Firmware Update FAILED! Please review the logs above, or try again

    Any clue?

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  13. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    I don't use Mac myself, so not really sure, but there was a writeup someone on the forum here (use the Search) or on Google. Or borrow a Windows PC for a minute
    samuel kalika likes this.
  14. samuel kalika


    Jan 22, 2024
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    @intjonmiller any clue? How did you solve it on your end?

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