Hi, I have a mini mill with the first black box that came out. I just started using Control and i just got the XYZ Probe Plus and all works right except when i do auto and i have a 1/8 endmill in it's coming back with a 11.76mm endmill. Shouldn't it be reporting a 3.175mm endmill?
So I checked the calibration this morning and it’s on point. Here is a video of me testing the unit. It does something strange when it goes to measure the bit. A weird movement but I checked all the grub screws and everything is tight and it’s not loosing any steps on jobs or when I run the probe without automatic. Can it be the probe or an issue with Control?
Sounded like a stalling motor there when it had to center on X. Stayed off to the side there. Max Rate / Acceleration tuned too high? Negative - CONTROL 1.0.370s been out since Jun 2023, lots of user - would have heard complaints. Probe is just a block of metal not much there. The center finding code has been out unchanged for 3 years OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL Sounds more like the machine making a stall sounds / slip / something there when it recenters.
Do these look normal? and if so any other ideas? $110 X-axis maximum rate, mm/min mm/min $111 Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min mm/min $112 Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min mm/min $120 X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 mm/sec² $121 Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 mm/sec² $122 Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 mm/sec²
I agree with Peter - the machine skips steps when retracting from the probe in the -X direction (at 0:39 -ish). The previous post hasn't got the actual values of those parameters in - try backing up your settings and attaching the resulting file to a post here (CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Backup Settings button).
Also the strange thing is how can it be repeatably missing the same exact steps that the outcome diameter of the bit is always the same 11.76mm
I don't think it can be the motor as it repeats each time and always has the same denomination to the bit size
The video clearly shows some kind of skip or miss or stall (at 38 sec), loooooong before we get the calculation step. Focus on the very clear problem early on, not the symptomatic result at the end. The issue is the stall, not the numeric discrepancy. It should have positioned itself centered across the hole in X before doing that Y probes Step ... by step Z probe runs fine OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL X probe runs fine OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL Y probe runs fine OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL first contact into hole runs fine OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL retracting toward the left runs fine OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL left side x probe runs fine OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL right and left positions are subtracted to find center along X OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL (runs fine) Now it has to center between those two points, moving the endmill to a spot between those two: OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL and BAM thats where we hear the noise and see the stall Note its a G0 move. Has that worked, we'd be centered on X (centered on hole in X direction), ready to probe across Y. And only then do we do the math Now... The most likely thing first: Read that Grbl wiki carefully: https://github.com/gnea/grbl/wiki/Grbl-v1.1-Configuration#110-111-and-112--xyz-max-rate-mmmin And what does it say? So, the G0 move stalls on moving, because its supposed to move at Max Rate (that's normal). But on your machine: Max Rate causes a stall (can be seen and heard on video). So logical conclusion is again found in that same section of the Grbl Wiki Which tells us you have some work left to do on tuning Max rates. Possibly could tune acceleration too as acceleration when properly tuned would have prevented stall speed from being commanded on such a short move. But you gotta fix both, acceleration correct to get up to speed on short fast moves without stalling, and max rate set to the actual max speed the machine can handle for a) G0 moves, b) long seek moves c) overall safe limit to prevent stalls Post a Grbl Settings backup for review please (CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Backup Settings > Upload the file here) Any 3rd party motors or other components (not from OpenBuilds) on the machine? If its not Grbl Settings, it might still be something mechanical, but lets focus on the settings first. Particularly if there are any old 3rd party parts in play (Saw an older elecsmaker machine on your youtube, in case any parts got recycled into the machine?) we need to adapt the profile to suit
Peter, I noticed in the OB probe video that when the "hole" was probed for bit size, it flashed 6 times but the posters vid only flashed 4 times - does that mean anything? I don't have one of those so no idea.
I count 9 total green flashes in our video (and his) Even if it was, it doesn't mean too much to me, before we fix the stalling. But I'll humor Adding expected LED flashes: After that 6th flash would be at OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL 7th at OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL 8th at OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL and last 9th flash at OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/holefinder.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL In his video we see the 1st at 6sec 2nd at 16 sec 3rd at 26 sec 4th at 31 sec 5th at 38 sec 6th very rapidly after, also at 36 sec. (6th would have been after the Centering move, so take a little longer between 5 and 6 in a correctly setup machine) 7th at around 46sec 8th also around 46 second - that x move is almost instantly because the bit is not centered along X as expect, its close up to the left wall. 9th at around 55 sec Watch carefully for those double flashes The stall is the thing that stands out as the main culprit
Ok so as a test, lower X axis acceleration and max rate to half current values and test probing. It is was 3rd party motors our profile would be aggressive, but for our motors, controller, psu, etc its on the conservative end already. If it still skips with half current values, its mechanical in some way for sure