Using the following macro to probe for Z using a momentary switch, The macro performs normally until the switch is tripped. When tripped the macro is suppose to set Z0 then retract the desired distance. What actually happens when tripped, probing movement stops, Z is not reset to current zero nor is the off-set recognized, and Z does not retract G21 g38.2 z-25.4 f50; G92 z3.8; G91 G0 Z12.2
I'm not using Blackbox. MillRight Mega V XL with Mill Right controller and OpenBuilds Control sorfware.
OK, well, that is a weird Macro, just wanted to be sure its not our standard stuff (PS CONTROL really is meant for our stuff) G92 is not what you want for a Grbl based probe anyway? Should've been G10, etc Use CONTROL > Probe > Probe Type > Custom > Gear icon > Enter your probes dimensions and use the Built in probing Or even better, get an to activate all the probe wizards (Custom misses a couple) then
As suggested I used the probe wizard. Once again, AWESOME! After going thru the custom setup settings it worked perfectly.