Hello, what can i do to make the "Home All" button also home the Z axis? When I click "Home All" button in OpenBuilds Control or on the Interface, it homes only on X and Y axes. Z stays in place. I have limit switches plugged in and "Limit switches installed" checked. The Z axis generally works fine when executing G-code. The problem is when I want to home it. BlackBox X32 driver.
Make sure your Grbl Settings are correct, $44 and $45 in particular Default values does Z first ($44=4) and then XY at the same time ($45=3)
I'm having the same issue, it worked before and now it wont home the z axis at all, also im new to this what exactly do I have to type to check to see, every time i type i get an error lol im such a newbie sorry
I changed 44 and 45 like you said to do and now it works, but its backwards... im so confused it was working fine and now its all backwards lol
You can change those to whatever you need it to be. Z up first is good practice (safety - get tool up and clear of work / hands / clamps / etc before doing an XY move) So usually you do $44=4 And then $45=3 (X and Y at the same time) Whats with the number? 1=X, 2=Y, 4=Z. 1+2=3 so $45=3 = 2+1 = X+Y 4 = Z so $44=4 means just Z