Bonjour, Je suis nul en anglais. Je viens de finir de monter ma worckbee 1015 j'ai installé la black box x32 mis à jour le logiciel. Les axes bougent bien en manuel. elle est équipée d'une makita. Mon premier problème: Je n'arrive pas a faire de "homing" en appuyant sur la touche "home all" les axes bougent un peu puis ils s arretent. message alert "alrm 8" j'ai modifié le g27 le sens des axes. mais concrètement si je bouge les axe "manuellement" puis refais un "homing" et bien elle ne le fait pas. Aussi quelle est la différence dans l interface entre "homing " et "go to 0"? Espérant votre compréhension envers un grand débutant Alex.
ok sorry. Hello. I'm bad at English I 've just finished assembling my worckbee 1015 I installed the black box x32 updated the software The axes move well manually with the interface it is equipped with a Makita. My first problem: I can't do "homing" by pressing the "home all" key, the axes move a little then they stop. alert message “alrm 8” I modified the g27 the direction of the axes. but concretely if I move the axes "manually" then do a "homing" again well she doesn't. Also what is the difference in the interface between "homing" and "go to 0"? I don't understand the procedure. Hoping for your understanding towards a great beginner Alex.
Are you using our Switches or your own? Ours fit our profile. If you aren't using ours, may need to change $5 Limits Invert or the switches might be wired wrong Not G27? Axes direction is $3. Homing direction is $27 in Grbl Settings. When changing that, just tell Grbl where you installed the switches - at axis min, or at axis max Homing sets Machine Coordinates SetZero / Probes etc set Work Coordinates GotoZero goes back to zero in Work Coordinates
OH!!! Thanks a lot! It was the $5 to put =0 My homing runs! So if I have understood correctly now, IF I want start a job at the center of my "table job" I place my mill where I want ( x,y,z ) and I push set 0? After that I push "run job"?
Also now when I want move an axe or try to run a job this message come. "error 15 job target exceed machine travel" why please?
You have to set the wcs zero (set XYZ zero) in the same place on your workpiece as you set the origin in your cam software. You also need to home the machine, but I assume you did that from your post above. What cam software did you use and where did you set the origin in that software? Alex.
Yes I understand for the " set0" I use fusion 360. But I dont understand why after a "home all" I can't move my axes even whith the interface? I don't understand why after a homing my machine say "error 15 job target exceed machine travel" Alex