Hi, Something strange happend. I have been able to connect and cut using the blackbox and openbuilds control software for the last year or two. I have not cut all winter and everything sat idle in the shed...I think something happend with a windows update or something (Windows 10). I cannot currently see any connection in the openbuilds control app. I have tried a different USB cable, Checked my ports with other usb sticks to make sure they are working. I have doubl checked the USB power device sleep thing. I do notice that on my device manager I don't have any "ports" (COM & LPT) - I can't remember if I ever did but It seems like I would have.. Is the USB light on the x32 blackbox always on? (it is in my case). Thanks for any help!
Checkout docs:blackbox-x32:faq-usb-connection-failed [OpenBuilds Documentation] USB LED has no meaning in this context.
I have been using that to troubleshoot and nothing yet. How do I know which version of the blackbox I have?
Clear label on top for whether is a 4X or X32 (they look quite different) and a peek into the vents on the side to see the Subversion. Two years ago would be old 4X X32 only came out in Dec 2022
Definitely the X32, but for the driver I need to know if it is 1.4 or less. I'll look into the vents.
Okay. I have version 1.3. I installed the correct USB driver. I still don't see any available ports on the connect screen. I don't think it is any kind of hardware issue as I have run the machine dozens of times before. I think my laptop is approaching 10 years old and maybe there's some thing to that. Windows tries to update but keeps on telling me it can't really update as much as it needs...
Got some time today to do some testing. Tried different USB cables, different PC. And following all the power profile steps and driver installs on both PCs. Only thing I have been able to do is turn the USB power light on when it is plugged in. The electronics box was a little tight fitting the USB plug in. Only thing I can think of is during the winter maybe some contraction / expansion put too much pressure on it? Can I open up the top of the X32 to maybe inspect for damage to any soldering joints or USB jack. Also does the blackbox need to be plugged in to a PSU in order to troubleshoot? I'd like to move it out of the shed.
Got it all unplugged. and will continue testing. I will try to uninstall the windows updates on the computer that it was working on also. Thanks for the help I will keep you updated.
Good luck, the V1.3s arent likely to be affected by drivers as much - the old FTDIs were solid chips. Double check all wiring for shorts etc too - damage might be done - but important to find before it damages a new one if it needs to be replaced
OK I think the Blackbox is fine. I think it is my computer. When I force install hardware from the device manager in the form of a communication port the USB drop down in the controll software will recognize the change, but when I click connect it doesnt connect. IT ends up saying "file not found". I will take screenshot and update.
Update on this - I was able to use a second blackbox x32 V1.4 to connect to same computer cable etc. Uploaded the different driver and it worked. So I think I have damaged the original box - or it is faulty. I think this now puts me in the spot where I need to make sure I did not have my wiring wrong. Since this is a retrofit - I am using the original limit switches and Peter I think I remember you saying that the limit switches could be the problem if wired incorrectly. I will look up and try to post: Type of limit switch and how the connections were wired to the box. Is there any other info needed?
All of that's in the Documentation: docs:blackbox-x32:start [OpenBuilds Documentation] Limits are in section 3.4
I was having the same issue about the same time as these posts were logged. Sometime between then and now, Openbuilds came out with a different USB driver. As I recall, now there is one driver vs the two we had to decipher between before. After installing the new driver, my USB port could be seen. Try downloading the new driver and reinstalling it.