I am having an issue with my plasma cutter I am using open builds cam and control for files when I run the job the cutter pierces then moves and pierces at the next spot but does not cut in between the piercing
So our typical recommendation is to use a floating head with draggable consumables. Wrong consumables can "blow out" the arc if dragged on the sheet. Keep an eye on the TOOL Enabled LED to see if the gcode keeps the torch on during the moves - if it does, then your plasma is extinguishing.
I will check the led and see what it’s doing as for draggable tips I will check to see if they are available I would think that would only work with HF units
Could also be feedrate (moving too slow - blows away too much material below nozzle) or air pressure related cnc plasma arc extinguishing - Google Search
Feedrate = speed of the move = set in CAM It should pierce on the entry of an entity only. But now that you mention it - are you sure you have nice clean polyline closed paths? docs:software:file-errors [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Finally found a solution I looked at the gcode and it has a pierce delay for each time when I removed the pierce code it solved the problem. I now need to find out why my product is cutting the proper length but the width is way off what should be 8 inches by 7.5. Is coming out 8 inches by 2