Press Scan and Open Builds finds a controller and stops. The controller was turned OFF; same results. The Controller is pingable and I can connect via web browser. The controller's IP address is Anyone have any ideas?
The scan checks the entire range specified, and looks for a telnet port. If its not finding it that BlackBox is not on the network, or Telnet is disabled (Network Services in Grbl Settings or Compile options if you have a custom firmware build) It only stops at x.x.x.254, so more likely didn't find anything other than .129 on that range It finds all telnet ports, if it gets a response from the firmware it adds a firmware type next to the IP in the list for you too. It has no firmware tag (just an IP) its not likely to be the right one Reset the BlackBox (reboot), or plug in the USB cable and see if its up and connected (STA ACTIVE) as shown in
Thank You for the response. I had to reconfigure my network for a 2.4GHz network; my 5GHz network SSID is one letter off and I grabbed the wrong one. After configuring the network, I was able to discover then network after powering the x32 ON then resetting it. :I am found that x32 does not reliably reset the network connection after powering on. (requiring a manual reset).
Notes: All Software and Firmware updated as of yesterday (CONTROL, x32, and INTERFACE). Network Strength Full Bars