Only one real way : up close inspection, if needed partial teardown. Sense of touch can feel minute relative movements, smaller than the eye can see. Pushing and prodding about you should be able to feel what moves relatively to what that should not. Then dig in there and try to find cause
OK - I'll dig away. Did a fairly complex relief panel carving successfully. I can tell there is some precision lost (I assume because the spindle isn't rock solid) so I'll dig into that. I'd like to make a mirror image panel of that same file. Is there an easy way to do that? I have Fusion 360 but it seems to have a fairly steep learning curve. I've been using Meshcam to convert my stl files to GCode and that's worked great. I've searched and can't seem to find a way to create a mirror image, but I can't imagine it's too complicated. Any help would be appreciated.
Meshmixer is a free program that easily allows you to mirror an .stl file. Just mirror the file and re do the CAM. Or invert whatever axis you want it mirrored on in your Grbl settings, zero on the right front corner (if it is the y axis), and run the file again. But I do not recommend this. If you forget, or mirror the wrong axis, bad things may happen. It is a way to do it but not a good way. Meshmixer would be the better way. Then you will always have both copies of the file