My open build 1515 has been setting with out power for several months. Today I tried to use it and ran it to issues with it. When I tell the machine to go left it sometime goes left and sometime goes rights. I do this ether by keyboard or the controls in the software. The samething happens if I tell the machine goes Right it goes left sometimes as well. No consistency in when it happens but it happens a lot. Any advice on what is wrong and what I should do?
See docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] (only 3 of the 4 motor wires has solid contract, one of the motor wires is loose or broken)
To add some other things to check, as I had this issue too, I eventually noticed that when I touched the wiring coupler on the X stepper motor, it made a funny noise. Continuously playing with it I discovered that a wire inside the coupler was loose and when the wire guide, which travels down the length of the Y axis was somehow getting caught and so when the machine traveled around, it ever so slightly moved the coupler and it changed the direction of the X movement. Removing the coupler and redoing it over again resolved the issue, along with giving the wire guide some wiggle room.