So I have OpenBuilds XYZ Probe and I'm not getting the expected results I'm looking for. I place the probe on my material. I place the magnet on my collet. Jog to the probe hole and I press the probe button in OpenBuilds. Then I press the Confirm Button. The green Probe Button becomes active and so I press it... NOTHING happens. Then I'll press G54 and it moves to that location. Any thoughts on what could be happening? The light will turn green if I touch the magnet to the probe.
LOL... Peter you know me too well!!! yes of course I skipped over section 7.1 and 7.2. I will slow down and try that next and see if that fixes the issue. Thanks for the suggestion.
So here is a question... I had a laptop computer that I was using to run Openbuilds Control. I am attempting to switch to a newer laptop with Windows 10 on it. I don't have the error messages I was getting but can get them tonight. However. I opened OpenBuilds Control and retrieved my grbl settings from my backup and received an error massage. I pressed on and it appeared as if the machine was jogging fine and moving fine. I attempted to probe my material and the machine will jog to the center of the probe as if it's about to probe for Z and then just stops. Nothing after that. Could this issue be related to flashing my firmware as noted above? Or is this a different issue? If it is I can get error messages tonight and pass them on tomorrow. Any thoughts?
Just to be clear Peter I flashed it back when I first posted this thread and it works on the other laptop. Now that I'm moving to a windows 10 laptop that laptop will not probe. So is the flash for the laptop or for the BlackBox?
BlackBox, but the symptoms (without screenshots of the errors, so excuse any guessing ) rang like the bug in the Pre Dec 2022 firmware. But lets see the screenshots of errors then so we can see what's the actual issue at hand That will avoid any guesswork. Also check Troubleshooting tab (perhaps probe is triggered before touching plate, as soon as collet is clipped to spindle?)
UPDATE: The other night when I sat down to recreate the errors I'm getting I discovered my Windows 10 was not Activated. So I have been spending the last few days getting that fixed so that I'm sure it's an "OpenBuilds" thing and not a "Windows" thing. I am now activated and windows is currently updating. However I'm going to be gone the next several days on vacation so I'll try this computer AFTER I get back. More to come.
Windows activation not required. Awaiting screenshots of any specific errors you need help with Enjoy the Vacation!
As requested. Screen shots of error messages I receive when I attempt to probe my XYZ on a laptop with a new version of Widows 10 on it. Let me know what you find. Kevin
Says probe is already triggered (short or GND fault?). Check Troubleshooting tab. Does it go triggered soon as you touch the magnet to the spindle?
So I have another laptop with windows 11 on it. EVERYTHING with OpenBuild's Control works and works very well on it... including the probe. Flawless... But I had this old computer that was running windows 7 and OpenBuild's Control wouldn't even open on it. So I upgraded it to Windows 10. Now... EVERYTHING with OpenBuild's Control appears to be working except the Probe. I center my bit over the probe hole and press probe... (I should note the green light underneath is lit) It moves to the center of the probe plate and the green light becomes brighter and it stops. NOTHING... I press okay and it says its done. Still stuck in the center of the square of the probe. I hope to use the Windows 11 laptop for my laser and the windows 10 Laptop for the CNC.
Further proof of Proceed to look for a GND to EARTH short somewhere in the system. Might even be inside the troublesome laptop's power supply, but check everywhere else too
Okay. Thanks... So where is this trouble shooting tab? I looked under tips and tricks in the documentation and didn't see it? Is it elsewhere? I didn't see it in the probe section either. Can you give me a link please? Thanks..
You only want it to show triggered when the bit touches the plate. Any other triggers are a short circuit somewhere (from your symptoms possible the troublesome laptop itself likely its PSU)