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OpenSCAD V-slot models

Discussion in 'CAD' started by Matt_, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. Matt_

    Matt_ New

    Dec 30, 2019
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    I created fully parametric models of V-slot linear rail that can be used for creating models in OpenSCAD:

    GitHub - matthew-yates/openbuildsParts: Parametric models of Openbuilds parts

    The file "vSlots.scad" provides an OpenSCAD function named "vslot" that takes two arguments "length" for the desired length of rail in millimeters, and "type" for the type of rail. (20x20, 20x40, 20x60, 20x80, 40x40, or C-beam".

    This example code:

    include <vSlots.scad>
    vslot(length=50, type=4040);
    translate([70,0,0]) vslot(length=60,type=2020);
    translate([140,0,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) vslot(length=70,type=2040);
    translate([190,0,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) vslot(length=80,type=2060);
    translate([120,100,0]) vslot(length=100,type=2080);
    translate([80,120,0]) rotate([0,0,180]) vslot(length=90,type="cbeam");}

    produces the models shown in the image linked below.

    openbuildsParts/images/vslotExample.png at main · matthew-yates/openbuildsParts

    I also modeled a couple of other Openbuilds parts in that Github repository. These are fully parametric models that do not require any external DXF images or any other files. The dimensions are as exact as I could get from the models Openbuilds posted on GrabCAD.

    Hope it is helpful to someone else besides me.
    Giarc likes this.
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Awesome work! Thank you!
  3. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Nice job @Matt_ ! Thank you for sharing :thumbsup:
  4. Matt_

    Matt_ New

    Dec 30, 2019
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    I added a few things to the Github repository: "motors.scad", "spacers.scad", and "plates.scad". My purpose in doing this whole project is to build a parametric model of the C-beam machine. If anyone is interested in this approach, take a look at the file "cBeamMachine.scad" on Github. The model is still incomplete, but the code shows how you can use the various sub-models to assemble a more complex machine model.

    I won't keep spamming the forums, but I'll post back when my c-beam machine model is complete. I'm not going to add anything else to github after that.
  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    We appreciate the "spam" :) - keep attention on it - I for one can't wait for some free time to play with it.
  6. Matt_

    Matt_ New

    Dec 30, 2019
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    Alright, I am done with modeling parts for now. I have all the parts for the C-beam machine except I used simple cylinders for the lead screws and motor couplers. My machine model is still missing some parts, but the picture looks good enough for now.

    I have built a printing machine for research (two identical machines actually). It uses a syringe pump in place of a tool on the C-beam machine. We put tiny drops of liquid on precise spots on a surface. I plan to publish a journal article and I need good original mock up images for hardware that are not copied from someone else. Hopefully some others will find the models useful.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.

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