Good day. While working on my workbee, there was a short circuit on the X axis limit switch. The milling machine finished working and then it was not possible to connect to the computer. Previously, when switching on the orad, there was a characteristic knocking sound from the motors, now it is gone. Is my blackbox burnt out? I disconnected everything from it, left only the usb cable and it still does not work. Can anyone help me?
Would very likely need to replace the BlackBox. As warned about in relevant sections of the docs, shorts can cause permanent damage Always double check all wiring before applying power.
Best to follow the full FAQ docs:blackbox-x32:faq-usb-connection-failed [OpenBuilds Documentation] but if there was a V+ to GND short, damage might not always appear immediately - but still very likely if there was a known short that the new symptoms are related. If it was working drivers etc should be fine, so also less likely to be an IT issue.