I have a problem with Z axis inductive limit sensor. It is not triggered when I pass a metalic object like the other does. The 3 sensors have red light lighten. When I pass an object on front, the led is switch-off and I have a trigger alert on OBcontrol, except on Z axis. So I tried to swap two sensors, same problem so the sensors seems to work properly. I tried to make a jump with a cable on SID / GND to test the blackbox x32 and it triggered the z axis. I tried to do it at the start of the the sensor cable, and it was triggered. So I think there must be something to change in the Grbl settings ? This is a Ratrig Stronghold I bought in kit with all the part needed. It "should be" plug & play but there is no tutorial for the grbl setting. I would like to make homing and start to use it. At my 1st try, the Z axis went up and bounced on top because of that problem of sensor. On the picture, we can see the sensor is on front the plate. It is describe like that on the notice, but I think it must be a little lower and must be triggered when it has no contact with metal (oposite of the 2 others), no ? My GRBL settings. I think a lot of things must be changed. ------- $0=10.0 ; Step pulse time, microseconds $1=255 ; Step idle delay, milliseconds $2=0 ; Step pulse invert, mask $3=0 ; Step direction invert, mask $4=0 ; Invert step enable pin, boolean $5=4 ; Invert limit pins, boolean/mask $6=1 ; Invert probe pin, boolean $8=0 ; Ganged axes direction invert as bitfield $9=1 ; PWM Spindle as bitfield where setting bit 0 enables the rest $10=511 ; Status report options, mask $11=0.010 ; Junction deviation, millimeters $12=0.002 ; Arc tolerance, millimeters $13=0 ; Report in inches, boolean $14=0 ; Limit pins invert, mask $15=0 ; Coolant pins invert, mask $16=0 ; Spindle pins invert, mask $17=0 ; Control pins pullup disable, mask $18=0 ; Limit pins pullup disable, mask $19=0 ; Probe pin pullup disable, boolean $20=0 ; Soft limits enable, boolean $21=1 ; Hard limits enable, boolean $22=1 ; Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL) $23=3 ; Homing direction invert, mask $24=100.0 ; Homing locate feed rate, mm/min $25=1000.0 ; Homing search seek rate, mm/min $26=250 ; Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds $27=5.000 ; Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters $28=0.100 ; G73 retract distance, in mm $29=5.0 ; Step pulse delay (ms) $30=1000.000 ; Maximum spindle speed, RPM $31=0.000 ; Minimum spindle speed, RPM $32=0 ; Laser-mode enable, boolean $33=400.0 ; Spindle PWM frequency $34=0.0 ; Spindle off Value $35=0.0 ; Spindle min value $36=100.0 ; Spindle max value $37=0 ; Stepper deenergize mask $39=1 ; Enable printable realtime command characters, boolean $40=0 ; Apply soft limits for jog commands, boolean $43=1 ; Homing passes $44=4 ; Homing cycle 1 $45=3 ; Homing cycle 2 $46=0 ; Homing cycle 3 $62=0 ; Sleep Enable $63=2 ; Feed Hold Actions $64=0 ; Force Init Alarm $65=0 ; Require homing sequence to be executed at startup $70=7 ; Network Services $73=1 ; Wifi Mode $74= ; Wifi network SSID $75= ; Wifi network PSK $100=199.100 ; X-axis steps per millimeter $101=199.100 ; Y-axis steps per millimeter $102=199.100 ; Z-axis steps per millimeter $110=2500.000 ; X-axis maximum rate, mm/min $111=2500.000 ; Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min $112=2500.000 ; Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min $120=150.000 ; X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $121=150.000 ; Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $122=150.000 ; Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $130=740.000 ; X-axis maximum travel, millimeters $131=1240.000 ; Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters $132=100.000 ; Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters $300=Grbl ; Hostname $302= ; IP Address $303= ; Gateway $304= ; Netmask $305=23 ; Telnet Port $306=80 ; HTTP Port $307=81 ; Websocket Port $341=0 ; Tool Change Mode $342=30.0 ; Tool Change probing distance $343=25.0 ; Tool Change Locate Feed rate $344=200.0 ; Tool Change Search Seek rate $345=200.0 ; Tool Change Probe Pull Off rate $346=1 ; Restore position after M6 as boolean $370=0 ; Invert I/O Port Inputs (mask) $384=0 ; Disable G92 Persistence $396=30 ; WebUI timeout in minutes $397=0 ; WebUI auto report interval in milliseconds $398=35 ; Planner buffer blocks $481=0 ; Autoreport interval in ms $I=custom --------------- Thanks for your help. (Sorry for my english, I'm French).
If all the sensors are the same it should be either $5=7 or $5=0 (depending on the specific type of sensor)
$5=0 Z axis is always triggered $5=7 X and Y axis are always triggered. X and Y axis test is working on troubleshooting, not on Z axis. :/
Possibly Z axis sensor is different type? (PNP vs NPN) NPN sensors are the only supported type, and should work with the default machine profiles provided in CONTROL docs:blackbox-x32:connect-npn-inductive [OpenBuilds Documentation]
At the BlackBox flip the Z and Y connectors. See if the problem follows the swop a) "Y" which is the switch on Z stops working or b) "Z" stops working (i.e now the Z switch triggers (as Y) but the Y axis (plugged into Z) stops
I swap Y and Z, when I test Y on the side it works but not on Z. Btw, y and Z triggered when I start.
That confirms an issue with Z wiring or sensor itself That double confirms the BlackBox and settings is fine, so you'd have to a) Recheck the wiring or b) contact the vendor you purchased the sensors from (Can include a link to this thread) The vendor should also be able to provide your with a Grbl Settings backup of the required settings for their machine
I’ve just finished building a Stronghold One standard kit and was about to post a similar problem. The sensors that came with my kit are Huchoo SN-04 and display values [BN-10~30V] [BK-NPN.NC] [BU-0V]. These values I interpret to be Brown=V+ Black=Signal (normally CLOSED) and Blue=Ground. That is how I have wired them into the X32, which matches the RatRig assembly guide. For each of my XYZ sensors the LED is always on when the sensor is AWAY from the steel plate and the Control Software XYZ-LIMIT indicates ‘TRIGGERED’. When any sensor touches a plate the LED goes off and the software XYZ-LIMIT indicates ‘OFF’. I would have expected the behaviours to have been the reverse of this (could this relate to whether the sensor type is normally open or normally closed?) When I jog any axis up to the sensor the led starts of lit and goes off when the sensor touches the plate, but travel does not stop. Does yours stop at the sensor when you are manually jogging the machine? I am thinking that maybe I should invert the Signal and Ground wires of all 3 sensors, but I’m a bit worried that this may damage the X32.
Correct Fix in $5 Limits Invert ($5=0 or $5=7 - opposite of what you have now) Did you remember to enable Hard Limits in Grbl Settings NO! Follow the docs CAREFULLY! Incorrect wiring changes causes shorts and kills BlackBoxes in ways warranty won't help you with
Many thanks for the prompt response Peter. I will change $5 from current 7 value to 0 and enable Hard Limits and post back on how I get on. It seems my fears were confirmed regarding the wiring!
Setting changed and all working correctly now. Many thanks. I’ll feed this back to RatRig who may wish to add it to their assembly guide
Hi All, my name is Steven and I just finished building a Stronghold One 1500 x 1500. I have similar issues and no experience with grbl settings. My xyz end stops had the red lights on and were TRIGGERED. I've set the Hard Limits ON and changed $5 from 7 to zero. Now my X and Y (Y2 does work) don't work and for instance the Z axis continues to travel when reaching the end stop. Any thoughts? Many many thanks!
Please make a back up of your grbl settings and post them here. And, as @Peter Van Der Walt asked, please clarify which controller you are using. Alex.
Hi @Alex Chambers and @Peter Van Der Walt, Thank you. I'm running the Blackbox X32 controller with the settings as below: Limit Switches installed ON. I had this turned off during my previous post. Currently Y&Z are working. X is not working and the Y&Z end stops are not stopping the travel. $0=10.0 ; Step pulse time, microseconds $1=255 ; Step idle delay, milliseconds $2=0 ; Step pulse invert, mask $3=5 ; Step direction invert, mask $4=0 ; Invert step enable pin, boolean $5=0 ; Invert limit pins, boolean/mask $6=1 ; Invert probe pin, boolean $8=0 ; Ganged axes direction invert as bitfield $9=1 ; PWM Spindle as bitfield where setting bit 0 enables the rest $10=511 ; Status report options, mask $11=0.010 ; Junction deviation, millimeters $12=0.002 ; Arc tolerance, millimeters $13=0 ; Report in inches, boolean $14=0 ; Limit pins invert, mask $15=0 ; Coolant pins invert, mask $16=0 ; Spindle pins invert, mask $17=0 ; Control pins pullup disable, mask $18=0 ; Limit pins pullup disable, mask $19=0 ; Probe pin pullup disable, boolean $20=0 ; Soft limits enable, boolean $21=1 ; Hard limits enable, boolean $22=1 ; Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL) $23=3 ; Homing direction invert, mask $24=100.0 ; Homing locate feed rate, mm/min $25=1000.0 ; Homing search seek rate, mm/min $26=250 ; Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds $27=5.000 ; Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters $28=0.100 ; G73 retract distance, in mm $29=5.0 ; Step pulse delay (ms) $30=1000.000 ; Maximum spindle speed, RPM $31=0.000 ; Minimum spindle speed, RPM $32=0 ; Laser-mode enable, boolean $33=5000.0 ; Spindle PWM frequency $34=0.0 ; Spindle off Value $35=0.0 ; Spindle min value $36=100.0 ; Spindle max value $37=0 ; Stepper deenergize mask $39=1 ; Enable printable realtime command characters, boolean $40=0 ; Apply soft limits for jog commands, boolean $43=1 ; Homing passes $44=4 ; Homing cycle 1 $45=3 ; Homing cycle 2 $46=0 ; Homing cycle 3 $62=0 ; Sleep Enable $63=2 ; Feed Hold Actions $64=0 ; Force Init Alarm $65=0 ; Require homing sequence to be executed at startup $70=7 ; Network Services $73=1 ; Wifi Mode $74=WONDERBYWOOD.com ; Wifi network SSID $75=Heineken12345 ; Wifi network PSK $100=199.100 ; X-axis steps per millimeter $101=199.100 ; Y-axis steps per millimeter $102=199.100 ; Z-axis steps per millimeter $110=2500.000 ; X-axis maximum rate, mm/min $111=2500.000 ; Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min $112=2500.000 ; Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min $120=150.000 ; X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $121=150.000 ; Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $122=150.000 ; Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $130=810.000 ; X-axis maximum travel, millimeters $131=730.000 ; Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters $132=90.000 ; Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters $300=Grbl ; unknown $302= ; unknown $303= ; unknown $304= ; unknown $305=23 ; unknown $306=80 ; unknown $307=81 ; unknown $341=0 ; Tool Change Mode $342=30.0 ; Tool Change probing distance $343=25.0 ; Tool Change Locate Feed rate $344=200.0 ; Tool Change Search Seek rate $345=200.0 ; Tool Change Probe Pull Off rate $346=1 ; Restore position after M6 as boolean $370=0 ; Invert I/O Port Inputs (mask) $384=0 ; Disable G92 Persistence $396=30 ; WebUI timeout in minutes $397=0 ; WebUI auto report interval in milliseconds $398=35 ; Planner buffer blocks $481=0 ; Autoreport interval in ms $I=unconfigured
Have you used Openbuilds Control troubleshooting tab to check that signals from your sensors are reaching the controller? Check that you have wired them correctly - docs:blackbox-x32:connect-npn-inductive [OpenBuilds Documentation], and that you have removed the jumper in the Blackbox as per Ratrig's instructions. Alex.
I have switched the jumper to 24V. You mention to remove it, is that what I should do? In the attached screenshot all the end stops are green & "OFF". I've double checked the wiring (Black = Signal, Brown = V+ and Blue is GND)... Should I post a picture? So I'm a bit stuck... I've read other threads about people switching the black & brown wiring with succes. Do you think I can try that?
What the docs says: docs:blackbox-x32:connect-npn-inductive [OpenBuilds Documentation] (They needs power, they are active devices, which needs power to work. Jumper is on 5V by default, but read the label on your sensors. If they are 5V its fine. If they are 6-30v (usually but not all), well, then the 24v jumper setting makes more sense right - its a reading the label thing) 1) follow the docs docs:blackbox-x32:connect-npn-inductive [OpenBuilds Documentation] 2) Never "try" swopping wires. Causing shorts, killing controllers and voiding warranties aren't going to help. Never ever do that. If you already did that, ports or sensors (or both) might already be damaged causing issues. 3) if the inductives you have aren't compatible, take the easy way out and order some Xtension Limit Switch Kit far easier to wire, more precise, and less chance of killing a controller There are lots of different "inductives" (Some aren't even inductive but rather capacitive they all just look the same), NPN, PNP, NPN-NC etc. We only support NPN ones.
You are correct, - move the jumper to 24 V. sorry about that, memory playing tricks. The sensors Ratrig supply have a VERY short range, so positioning is critical. The Z ones are triggered by a bolt. I helped a friend assemble his Stronghold One several months ago and we had problems aligning the X sensor so that it would trigger initially, it really needs a very small gap. The troubleshooting tab in Control will help with this as it will show you when the switch is triggered. By all means post pics of the sensor wiring, but one possible source of error is where you had to extend the wiring and one of those connectors is presumably inside the drag chain. I'll be getting the Ratrig build instructions later today so may be able to off3er more help then, but from what you have said so far I think physical position of the sensors is probably your issue. Alex.