Sorry if this has been asked... if it has, I was unable to find it... Actually, I'm not even really sure how to ask the questions correctly... I have an older BlackBox (the 4X I believe it's called now) and recently got a BlackBox 32X (for use with a 4th axis rotary thanks to grblHAL). I also have a rather old Interface that I got with the BlackBox 4X... Question 1: When connecting the BlackBox 4X to the computer via USB, the cable connecting the Interface to the BlackBox 4X (Dupont to Molex SL-4) had to be disconnected... I just got the cable that connects the older Interface to the BlackBox 32X (Molex SL-4 to RJ11 retrofit)... Does the RJ11 connection to the BlackBox 32X still need to be disconnected when connecting to computer via USB? Question 2: Will there be an upgrade to the Interface that will support movement control to a rotary axis like the CONTROL software? Thanks in advance.....
Yes, still the same functional setup as before. Interface is always going to be a "PC Replacement" Eventually but not being worked on yet. You can run 4-axes jobs, just setup your CAM workflow correctly (since its almost always a fixed point in the rotation that's zero, you can usually set it once and keep running with the stored offset anyway, just rehome to restore)