I recently changed my max x and y travel, because I wanted it to be as accurate as possible within Lightburn. These settings were the only parameters changed and I changed them in Lightburn in the output settings. After doing so, when I go to start running a file, the machine tries going to negative X and Y (it homes to front left, and instead of moving back right, front right, or even just back, it tries going even further front left), even though the project is in the + area of the workspace. When I jog the machine, it goes in the directions I would like it to, and when I home it, it goes where I want it to (front left). the origin appears to be at the right spot on the screen (bottom left). I have cleared the offsets multiple times, even reset it to factory, with these lines consistently coming back as: [G92:-524.999,-500.000,0.000) HOME: -525.000, -500.000,0.000:3] I am not sure if my issues stem from this, but it stands out to me. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d be grateful.
you need to remove the G92 offset G-Codes G92 offsets are dangerous, avoid using it issue 'G92.1' in the serial console rehome reset part zero load Gcode click 'check size' and you should see the tool go around the outside of the part. if that is good, run the gcode