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grblHAL Settings Help Request

Discussion in 'CNC Lathes' started by ScottKruer, Oct 21, 2024.

  1. ScottKruer


    May 12, 2019
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    Hello Everybody!!!

    I'm hoping to get help on the settings for my grblHAL machine... The following is all the info on my machine... I plan on giving DeskProto a try for generating the gCode.

    LEAD 1010 with the High Z modification
    OpenBuilds limit switch at Max of Z
    OpenBuilds limit switches at the Min and Max of X and Y (wired in parrallel respectively)
    NO limit switch on A
    BlackBox x32 controller (Rotary option flashed)
    OpenBuilds LEAD 1010 machine profile selected (stock profile... no changes yet)
    "Limit Switches Installed" option selected
    K12-100mm Rotary 4th Axis Parrallel with Y (NEMA 23, 6:1 Speed Reducing Ratio)
    *** Image of the machine attched

    Settings I'm thinking need to be changed from stock profile...

    $3 -- When I assembled the machine, I located the X motor to the opposite side thus spinning the LEAD screw backwards. The X switch should be reversed.

    $23 -- I'm unsure if the X switch should be changed because of the change made to the $3 setting.

    $65 -- Much emphasis put on homing so, wondering why this is set off...

    $103 -- "A axis steps per degree"

    $113 -- "A axis maximum rate, deg/min"

    $123 -- "A axis acceleration, deg/sec^2"

    $133 -- "A axis maximum travel, degrees"

    Any help (calculation formulas or online references) would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Scott

    Attached Files:

  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    No, $23 is "where is the limit switch" - no relevance to where motor is. $3 corrects motors so machine follows cartesian. $23 is assuming machine is correctly setup, so which side is switch, at min or max end of travel.

    If you got both - doesn't really matter, XY=MIN usually more convenient (stock origin front left for most jobs, saves jogging the machine back from rear right all the time, but functionally no difference, as long as there is a switch where you tell it to go look.

    Makes using the machine annoying (Homing good practise, being in control/habit better than being locked out of machine when all you wanted to was say check a setting or something) - stock profiles needs to be beginner friendly, locking them into not being able to do anything (like test switches by hand before homing, still setting up machine, testing it out bit by bit) is just bad idea. Welcome to play around of course

    Read through LEAD Lathe lots of info on calibration
  3. ScottKruer


    May 12, 2019
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    Got it... $3 -- motor travel direction, $23 -- limit switch location and $65 -- force a homing sequence...

    Thank you!!!
  4. ScottKruer


    May 12, 2019
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    After reading the "LEAD Lathe" from beginning to end, it dawned on me that I had read it before when I first started thinking about a rotary axis. I had only glanced over it because it wasn't a 4 axis machine. Basically, I had seen before a video of a rifle stock being cut. It was basically doing an index toolpath (cut side 1, rotate 90 deg, cut side 2, rotate 90 deg, cut side 3, rotate 90 deg, cut side 4)... I know, I know... Can be done without a rotary by rotating manually like a two sided carve.

    Having pretty much the same rotary (RATTM K12-100 4 jaw) as Giarc, the 26.667 steps per degree is a good starting point. But, I'm still hunting for info on $113, $123 and $133... I found on carbide3d an excerpt of a guys grblHAL settings for a rotary...


    I'm thinking that since his $103 setting is similar, the others could possibly be a good starting point... Any opinions on this?
  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Always good to start somewhere. If it then stalls slow down, if it feels slow speed it up. Tuning is trial and error, no two machines are exactly the same
    Giarc and David the swarfer like this.
  6. ScottKruer


    May 12, 2019
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    My machine is now ready to play. A true 4 axis (XYZ & Rotary) LEAD 1010. I just got the DeskProto Hobby CAM software...

    It was on the OpenBuilds forum that I had heard about DeskProto so, I thought I would ask this seemingly easy question... When running the software for the first time, it wants to setup a default machine profile for new projects. No OpenBuilds machines are in the list of machine options. There is a GRBL but, not a grblHAL.

    So, I thought I'd ask if any testing has been done with DeskProto and Control (flashed with grblHAL for Rotary) and if there is a suggestion for which machine to select?

  7. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    They are always quite happy to help https://www.deskproto.com/webshop/contents/en-us/contactus.html if you get stuck
    Been a while since I did it myself, can't remember the exact steps, but I recall it was under something like Advanced Machine settings > Has rotational A-Axis if I recall

    Once you have it resolved with them, would you mind providing steps by steps screenshots, would be happy to link docs to your writeup for future users
  8. ScottKruer


    May 12, 2019
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    I tried reaching out to DeskProto but, they are currently rolling out version 8 of their software and I'll have to wait. But, I did find a video on three options for selecting a machine if the desired machine is not listed. I did find where you were referring for adding a 4th axis. I'm getting closer...

    When setting the $ values in grblHAL, they are entered in mm. When moving around in CONTROL, I have it set for inches. Whenever I created something in VCarve (and eventually in DeskProto), I prefer using inches. When generating gcode, the postprocessor I chose in VCarve was inches. Then the resulting gcode file was run back through CONTROL (sometimes the Interface) to the BlackBox...

    Designing in inches and then generating the gcode with an inches postprocessor is correct, right? Are there any other changes being made besides setting G20 or G21?
  9. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yes the post processor includes G20/21 to tell the controller what the Gcode that follows is in

    $376=1 to designate A axis as Rotary is about the only other important one (If not set, A axis is in mm/inch instead of degrees)

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