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Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Fastbass, Oct 25, 2024.

  1. Fastbass

    Fastbass New

    Oct 2, 2024
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    x32, limit switches unplugged from blackbox and wires removed from machine, there is absolutely NO short circuit or mis wiring (because there is no wiring). the troubleshooting tab indicates X and Y triggered. G05 in program is defaulted to 4 if that matters at all (I have no idea) please dont refer me back to grblwiki because if I could make sense out of that (programmers language) I could make sense out of the blackbox grbl settings language. Additionally I am slaving the Y axis motors and using Y2 as A axis, when blackbox is powered up, Y axis goes into alarm, have to power off then restart and it clears, amp adjustment is set as low as possible as to where I can only move Y axis at 1500mm any faster and it starts to chatter, if i raise amp adjustment on black box to run Y faster it goes into alarm, steppers are bulk man 23 high torque 3.0a motors. thanks in advance.
    #1 Fastbass, Oct 25, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2024
  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    The limit switch inputs can be inverted using grbl setting $5.
    by Default grblHAL expects limit switches to be Normally Closed, so if nothing is connected, they show as triggered.
    the bit positions have values
    X = 1
    Y = 2
    Z = 4

    Looks like you need to invert X and Y so add 1+2 to the existing value (I think you mistyped it as G05 but meant $5=4)
    So in serial console type
    and press reset on the BlackBox.

    Assuming you have also turned off hard limits ($21=0) and homing ($22=0) your machine will now assume
    home is wherever it got turned on or reset so you need to make sure that Z is high when you turn it off/on otherwise you will have problems.

    Your high torque motors appear to be power hungry.
    I suggest wiring them in series instead of parallel and then tune the maxrate and acceleration rates to suite them better.
    While you are doing the rewiring you will want to check very carefully that the correct coil pairs are being used and
    that they are correctly connected at both ends of the wires, that chatter thing may be a result of a partial connection.
  3. Fastbass

    Fastbass New

    Oct 2, 2024
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    thanks for your quick reply, could you expand on the stepper wiring please, my experience with series and parallel are strictly isolated general electrical circuits, are you implying using y and y2 for the steppers and losing A axis
  4. Fastbass

    Fastbass New

    Oct 2, 2024
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    I changed $5 to 7 and limit triggers cleared. thanks again, that solves one of the issues I am having! second issue is when I install the limits and enable soft limits I want the home position to be bottom left for the specific work that I do, when I home machine to y0 x0 zo (bottom left and up) the machine will not move positive Y or X basically saying there is no machine in that direction, I know its 100% me not understanding the machine code language and its probably a simple $ setting, but as I am not a grbl programmer the language is foreign to me, I am a machine operator not a machine programmer and to dumb to understand the language, i need it explained like i am 6yrs old or plain english not grbl english lol
  5. Fastbass

    Fastbass New

    Oct 2, 2024
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    I figured out the series wiring, i will give that a try, thanks
  6. Fastbass

    Fastbass New

    Oct 2, 2024
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    wired Y steppers in series, travel speed was increased from 1500mm to 1800mm but amps turned up almost all the way on blackbox, would changing Y steppers out to your open builds steppers provide any tangible benefit? what is the expectation for Y axis travel speed on a quenbe pro 1510?
  7. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yes, the vendor you mentioned is notorious for using cheaper high-inductance motors. Coil resistance, (dictates acceleration performance), Inductance (dictates top speed) and Torque are all interconnected, gotta have good specs in all 3.
    Our motors are custom made to be the best match possible for BlackBox

    While ordering, do replace switches with ours https://us.openbuilds.com/xtension-limit-switch-kit/ so the stock machine profiles will "just work" (they are very good switches, onboard EMI filtering etc too)

    And if you still have the PSU from the previous vendor, if its not a Meanwell, it can (likely will) damage your BlackBox and warranty will not be covering damage caused by an inferior PSU, so you might also want to consider https://us.openbuilds.com/24v-meanwell-power-supply-bundle/
  8. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    setting up homing is a 5 step process.
    1 - get the machine moving and calibrate the steps/mm for each axis (this will also affect the max rates, get it moving accurately, if slowly, before trying to speed it up) (use the calibration wizard in OBControl over the longest distance you can measure on the machine)
    2 - make sure the machine moves in the correct directions when jogging, X+ moves tool to the right, Y+ moves tool away, Z+ moves tool up ($3)
    3 - enable homing (NOT soft limits) and test, adjust homing directions to suite if switches for X and Y are not at + ends of travel, Z MUST be at top of travel ($23)
    4 - after homing jog to limits of travel less 5mm and set travel distances to those numbers ($130-$132)
    5 - enable soft limits and test, home then jog to limits, try a G0 X3000 to check that it won't move beyond axis limits, that sort of thing.

    This is not the correct way to think about home positions. The industry standard is home at + ends of travel for a variety of good reasons. Yes this makes the work area negative coordinates, and no, this doesn't matter as you never have to think about it.
    This does not affect where you setup and run your jobs, those are governed by the Work Coordinate System offsets (WCS). GRBL has 6 of them, G54 to G59.
    GRBL also remembers them between sessions, so if you create a fixture and probe its offsets for G55, after homing it will return to that WCS 0,0,0 position within 0.01mm or less, making it reusuable without reprobing everytime you use the machine (carefully of course, if you suspect anything is wrong, re-home, re-probe)

    Notice the word in red, offsets, to the machine, the entire world it understands is relative to home, and everything is stored as an offset relative to that master 0,0,0 position.
    YOUR work is relative to the part's 0,0,0 position which you set in CAM and then probe on the material, which sets up a WCS offset.
    read more ... https://builds.openbuilds.com/projectresources/home-fusion360-and-g53-z-moves.368/
  9. Fastbass

    Fastbass New

    Oct 2, 2024
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    Thanks David, that explanation now makes complete sense to me. I appreciate you dumbing it down to a point I can understand!!

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