Has any one ever worked out how much electricity a typical ox type machine would use in one hour profile operation, using dealt 1/4 router? Could something like this be run off a solar powered battery bank.
Up to 800w for Router, around 200w for machine. +-1kWh- will drain most of those banks in not a lot of time (check kWh capacity of bank)
1kwh usage, 6.5kwh available = theoretically 6.5hr. Lots of variables though so don't hold me to it (load on router based on cutting recipe - might not always be full tilt 800w, and thus save some power, on the other hand temperature affects battery capacity (being worked hard heats up batteries internally, or in tough environment link outdoor), inverter efficiency (6.5kw battery, but if the inverter that bank uses is 80% efficient, thats 5.2kw available) etc Give it a try and see
Thank you for your response, it will be a while before I have the system running, but thank you for your help.