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BlackBox x32 connection issue

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by factory, Nov 3, 2024.

  1. factory

    factory New

    Aug 26, 2024
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    I need help because I don't really understand what happened. My Lead1515 with BlackBox and connected laser has been working flawlessly for the past few days. Today, wanting to see the progress of the laser, I found the machine motionless with the laser active. I turned it off with the safety button and turned it on again. Unfortunately, I am now unable to connect to the controller either through Lightburn or Control. The console displays:

    [13:44:25] [ connect ] Attempting to detect Controller (1): (Autoreset)

    [13:44:25] [ connect ] Attempting to detect Controller (2): (Ctrl+X)

    [13:44:26] [ connect ] Attempting to detect Controller (3): (others)

    [13:44:29] [ connect ] ERROR!: No Response from Controller - See https://docs.openbuilds.com/doku.php?id=docs:blackbox:faq-usb-connection-failed for troubleshooting information. Closing port /dev/tty.usbserial-0001

    [13:44:29] [ disconnect ] PORT INFO: Port closed

    and that's it. Of course, I used the procedures from the link in the console. Has anyone ever had a similar situation? Is there any other procedure to check what is happening with the controller?
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    The FAQ is quite comprehensive, is nothing brings it back, likely damage per Section 6.3.1 of same.
    Do make sure you did all the tests
    Like using a different PC (try Windows)
  3. factory

    factory New

    Aug 26, 2024
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    Same result on a Windows computer:

    [18:38:31] [ connect ] PORT INFO: Port is now open: COM6 - Attempting to detect Controller...

    [18:38:31] [ connect ] Attempting to detect Controller (1): (Autoreset)

    [18:38:32] [ connect ] Attempting to detect Controller (2): (Ctrl+X)

    [18:38:32] [ connect ] Attempting to detect Controller (3): (others)

    [18:38:35] [ connect ] ERROR!: No Response from Controller - See https://docs.openbuilds.com/doku.php?id=docs:blackbox:faq-usb-connection-failed for troubleshooting information. Closing port COM6

    [18:38:35] [ disconnect ] PORT INFO: Port closed

    I'm not sure if this is related, but before this happened, I was getting some weird errors displayed on the Interface:

    There were a lot of variations of similar errors, but I ignored them because everything worked properly.
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    I notice a diy RJ12 cable. Longer than ours or less shielded or similar? Interface errors look more like Serial corruption, and is likely just the cable itself being the issue.
  5. factory

    factory New

    Aug 26, 2024
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    Ok. I'll try with a dedicated cable. Back to Blackbox... what did you mean by
    I can't connect to the controller - the problem still persists. Is there anything else I can do in this case? Should I assume that the controller is damaged and should I replace it in this case or is there a chance of repairing it? And how does this relate to the warranty or is there any point in making a complaint about the controller?
  6. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    There are testing steps in

    Main thing would be first to find what damaged it if its dead. Before a replacement gets damaged as well. Using our PSU or 3r party. Wiring - nothing chaffed through or pulled out of terminals that could have caused a short. No backfed voltage from 3rd party toolheads etc.

    As it was working, it seems like something damaged it during the run where it stopped.
  7. factory

    factory New

    Aug 26, 2024
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    I have gone through every point on the list trying to restore the connection. I agree that the cause needs to be found so that it does not happen again. I have not changed anything since I switched the optlasers laser head from Tool to PWM. The laser has worked for several hours since then without any problems. I have checked the wiring, everything looks fine. I am using a Weho power supply - 350Watt 24V - it has exactly the same parameters as Meanwell. I am still under warranty but I have no idea what happened and that is the most frustrating part.
  8. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Optlaser's good, so not likely to be cause. Weho's are little less filtered than the Meanwells so I would advise considering to upgrade to a Meanwell - if you compare the inards you'll see the Meanwell has alot more inductors, more hefty PCB, compared to the more bare Weho, and if you hook an oscilloscope you'll the Meanwell has less ripple, a faster response on its overcurrent protection, etc
    We did evaluate the Wehos to see if they'll be a way to save our customers some money (always good) but as you can see we stuck with the Meanwells
  9. factory

    factory New

    Aug 26, 2024
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    So if I understand correctly, can the PSU cause this type of failure? In that case, I have no choice but to get Meanwells PSU before I connect the new BlackBox.
  10. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    It can, though i was hoping with you for a more clear issue like a dead short in wiring somewhere, always sad when there is damage, but a relief to find a clear cause to know it won't happen again.

    You could risk it on the Weho - there are guys out there with them and no issues, but as a knockoff of the Meanwell, the cost savings does come from somewhere (removed filtering sections and their quality control might not be as good as Meanwell) - and in the absense of some other cause for the damage, its looking like the most likely candidate.

    I do trust the Optlaser not to be cause, they are really great - have seen some cheap chinese modules fail PSU to PWM (the cheaper ones with just a PWM mosfet, the Optlaser driver is more advanced), and the wiring didn't reveal any issues. Not much else that could have caused damage. One last mental check just make sure the endstops aren't installed without rubber spacers (if using ours) and shorting pins on frame.
  11. factory

    factory New

    Aug 26, 2024
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    All my OpenBuilds endstops have a plastic spacer - that's what I got in the set. So I assume they're not the cause of my problems. Thank you very much for your effort in helping me.
  12. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yeah thats perfect, (sadly) not the cause - so still looks like PSU is the more likely cause :(

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