Hi Y'all I am wanting to make my 1010 a 1510 basically. I would like to make the width 1500 mm and leave the depth/height at 1000 mm. couple things i need to get answers to if you could possibly help with before i do. 1) will it be rigid enough on the x axis, i do have the high z extension added on my 1010. 2) will i be able to add the dimensions in my cad programs ect. Thanks for any info provided.
Hi Mark, I realize your post is from a year ago, however wondering if you ever made the upgrade and how it went? I recently picked up a used 1010 with the extra Z height add-on. I would like to increase the width to 1500 mm and figure I need to replace the X c-beams, lead screw and the front/rear aluminum frame rails. I'm wondering what other hardware will need to be upgraded. I'd also be interested in what your experience was with using a wider machine with the current software.
Hi Peter, thanks for the reply and link. Do you have a component list for the upgrade kit? I'm not sure I need the extra Y (or the cost). I'd be interested in seeing what's in the kit. I checked out the web page you linked but don't see a link like you have for other kits. Also, do you know if OpenBuilds will be having a Black Friday sale? I live in Canada and driving down to Fargo, ND for the event. I'd like to buy the parts in advance and have delivered to a US address. Ideally pick up from a US address when I'm down for Black Friday.
We usually run a Black Fri sale of some sorts, but I don't know whether that kit will or will not be on special Best to direct store questions, packing lists, at the Part Store: Support > New ticket
Hey Michael The conversion to a 15 wide side to side went well. I did leave it as a 10 front to back as I did not have room in my shop for a 15 front to back. You will also need to order some wire for the motor, order a few bars for under the spoil board don’t have to but I wanted strength with no flex. A longer bar in the back to run the wire’s across. Sounds like you have the rest figured out. good luck to you. Any other questions I will try to answer if asked.
Glad to hear it went well. Good tip about some additional wires and extra bars. I'm also ordering extra drag chain and thrust bearings. Like yourself I don't have the room for 15 front to back. I actually don't think I need and will simply index and adjust for larger pieces. I've been contemplating upgrading the steppers, but think I'll stick with what's on the machine for now and see how it goes. Appreciate the reply. All the best.