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GrblHAL 1.1f ['$' or '$HELP' for help] when Hard limit triggered

Discussion in 'OpenBuilds Forum Help' started by HinZen, Nov 15, 2024.

  1. HinZen

    HinZen New

    Nov 14, 2024
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    Hi, I`m having the same problems with my 1010 with a x32 black-box/limit switches like in this post: Limit Switch Triggering Blackbox Reset?

    Pressing any Limit Switch causes a Reset of the board. (GrblHAL 1.1f ['$' or '$HELP' for help])
    It looks like this:
    [10:32:31] [ ALARM ] ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [ undefined ]
    [10:32:31] [ ] ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [ undefined ]
    [10:32:31] [ ] ALARM:1
    [10:32:31] [ ] [<Alarm|MPos:0.000,0.000,0.000|Bf:35,1023|FS:0,0|Pn:X|WCO:-325.016,-576.941,15.938|A:>
    [10:32:34] [ [clear alarm] ] Operator clicked Clear Alarm: Cleared Lockout and Emptied Queue
    [10:32:34] [ ] GrblHAL 1.1f ['$' or '$HELP' for help]
    [10:32:34] [ ] [MSG:'$H'|'$X' to unlock]
    [10:32:34] [ ] [MSG:Caution: Unlocked]
    [10:32:34] [ ] ok
    Software and Firmware are up to date. I checked the switches - no faulty wireing (checked with a multimeter).
    I tried 2 switches in different ports - same result.
    I just bought this used 1010 machine - the x32 is brand new.
    My settings are attached.
    Please help!

    Attached Files:

  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    the limit switch/s is perhaps mounted upside down, or otherwise such that it is connecting power to ground when it is hit, thus causing the BB to reset.
    There is an insulating washer supplied with the Xtension limit switch, it is needed (-:
  3. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    That particular log has no actual reset (hard limit alarm comes up normal) user then clicks Clear alarm.. It resets then (correct)
  4. HinZen

    HinZen New

    Nov 14, 2024
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    Thanks Peter - that is good News. I wasn`t sure and didn`t want to break anything.
    Homing works like a charm, now - But something else is strange: When I use the default 1010 setting, all axis are reversed - the wires are correct, connected as shown in the video. Not a problem: I reversed the axis in the Grbl Settings. Everything works fine (I milled some Text, to see if that is milled correctly - it is) BUT - when I turn on the soft limits, the machine won`t move: error15 jog target exceeds machine target.
    Homing and setting zero xyz doesn't help. The machine still seems to thing, it`s out of limits.
    What am I missing?
  5. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    you have missed the 50 or so messages in the forums saying "turn off soft limits' (-:

    since you have changed some GRBL settings from the defaults, you should make a backup of the settings now so that you can easily restore a 'working' setup
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  6. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Agreed, soft limits are painful for beginners. Thats why we leave it off in our default profiles.

    Root cause for your error still likely incorrect $3 or $23 or incorrect homing, but honestly soft limits aren't worth it. These machines are not industrial enough to destroy themselves, if it reaches end of travel, motor skips. Plus good to learn how not to crash (really not that hard to learn to do it right anyway - don't load 2 meter jobs on a < 1 meter machine, check the 3D view that shows machine envelope, and learn to use Check Size)
  7. HinZen

    HinZen New

    Nov 14, 2024
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    I disagree. With my old CNC, I have used Estlcam. You tell it, where the switches are, the length of the machine - and thats it. It is very convenient, when the software stops before the crash - especially for beginners. Not a must - but a nice to have.
    Since my cable colours match the assembly video cable colours, but I still have to reverse all 3 axis in the software for the machine to go to the correct direction - I`m going to reverse all 4 wires - so 1234 becomes 4321 (as Peter wrote in another post). That should fix it.
    One more question: I tried Estlcam with the x32 - but I couldn`t get them to work together. (don`t get me wrong - openbuilds control is very good - but Estlcam is what I`m used to). Is there a way to do it? (with the arduino based older control box it seemed to have been was possible).
    Thanks for the help!
  8. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Exact same for Grbl and grblHAL by the way, if you do it right it works. But if you don't understand machine coordinates yet, its hard to understand the relation between machine and work coordinates (Soft limits applies in machine coordinates, thus the need for correct homing directions and max travel values)

    For most beginners - just far easier to either not bother (nothing bad happens anyway) or if you really are worried, spend the 2x$7.99 extra for Min and max switches for X and Y at least. Z must anyway home to Max, a Z min switch usually doesn't help (endmill crashed into stock long before it hits the switch) but even with the extra one for Z, 3x$7.99 is an easy choice

    EstlCAM's firmware is for ATmega 8 bit controllers. Won't work on an X32. Can still use ESTL"cam" as a CAM, export gcode and run it through the normal (CONTROL or other more modern) Host
  9. HinZen

    HinZen New

    Nov 14, 2024
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    Thanks Peter! Very helpful - as always!
    Keep up the good work!

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