I am making toy parts. I have cut two duplicate parts with no problem using the same G-code. Each pass was .05 inches deep. When I attempted to cut a third part the bit plunged to .187 on its own and the bit broke. After confirming the Vcarve depth was set to .05 again the bit plunged to .187.
The GCode you posted will cut multiple passes of ~0.05" each to a total cut depth of 0.5", with Z zero at the top of the stock. Given that the GCode checks out, are you certain that you set the Z zero to the top of the stock that you were actually using? (It will, of course, need re-zeroing when you put in a new tool, or if the stock thickness changes.)
Yes. AS I remarked the first two items were cut fine. The computer is 12 years old and I wonder if it might be a compter glitch.
You don't mention anything about your controller set up but, if it is for example, a grbl controller the g-code will be sent to the controller a few lines at a time, and it is possible for the code to be corrupted in transit. Admittedly when this happens the result is usually complete garbage that causes a fatal error. If you are using a USB cable to connect your controller to your PC make sure it's a good quality one, as short as possible and as far away from other wiring as possible. Alex.