Hi, I am new to this forum. I just purchased The X32 Black box controller to use on a CNC router. A basic 3 axis machine...... That seems to have been the easy part... Now its time for the electronics... Full disclosure... I am a novice at this part. I built the CNC machine to use NEMA23 motors. Is there a specific Nema23 motor that works best with the Blackbox? basic four wire connections, etc. Is there an instruction manual on how to configure/set up this controller? Things like wire positions, adjustments, etc. As I went through the forum threads, it seems I need to purchase the 24v power source also. Thank you for any help you can give me.
Ours are perfectly matched docs:blackbox-x32:connect-nema23 [OpenBuilds Documentation] and matches the wiring in documentation. Ideal electrical specs Can order form Electronics & Software - Motors - OpenBuilds Part Store Yes, docs.openbuilds.com has all the documentation you can ever need, all the products, software etc BlackBox X32 docs: docs:blackbox-x32:start [OpenBuilds Documentation] Software overview docs:software:overview [OpenBuilds Documentation] and much more Yes, please get 24V Meanwell Power Supply Bundle - going off the recommendation can affect your warranty, you want good clean power from a reputable brand PSU PSU wiring is covered under docs.openbuilds.com > BlackBox X32 > Section 3.1 docs:blackbox-x32:connect-psu [OpenBuilds Documentation]
That is great... Thank you very much. I have got the motors and power supply on order. Wil I be able to just plug the motors in as shown, plug the power up as shown and use the jog controls to operate the machine? also I have the three limit switches. Is there a diagram showing what the three wire attachment points are, such as +...- etc. ? Thanks again
Yes Yes, in the same documentation. Use the menu tree on the left (or top under Sidebar link on a phone) to peruse all the different sections. Read through it all, I can point you at specific pages with direct links, but thats not the intent of the documentation meant to be read as a whole
Thanks Yes, I found that info. Sorry, I got ahead of myself.... I will read everything I can while waiting for my order. Great help, Thanks again
I received my 24V Meanwell Power Supply & PowerCase Bundle. Is there a pdf or video on assembly? The black box part has three wires, white, black and green, that I assume these need to be hooked into the V-, V+ and one of the last three unmarked screws. Is there a wiring diagram for these connections? Thank you.
All documents are found here. start [OpenBuilds Documentation] For the power case v1.9 this is the guide docs:powercase-v1.9:start [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Thank you for your help. I am way out of my league when it comes to software install stuff. I just purchased this entire openbuilds system, do I need to run all the upgrade software/firmware that is mentioned? I have few more questions. First ? I am using this set up to run a cnc router with the smaller DeWalt router. Which power setting should I have it switched to 12v or 24v ? I made a guess and It is currently on 12v. I have the openbuilds X32, The openbuilds power case/powersupply package and their nema23 stepper motors and limit switches, wiring, etc.. All is wired per the documentation. The USB cable is run to the computer and X32. The powersupply is hooked to the X32 via the supplied cable. I turned on the power and all seems good, no sparks or smoke, etc. lol (always a good thing) I get my Gcode through fusion360 and run my other 2 cnc routers using the universal gcode download. When I try to connect this new cnc router setup, I cannot connect. First thing I see is that there is no port that the X32 sees. Tried the device manger per the trouble shoot documentation to find one but I do not seem to be able to find anything. I see some reference to the openbuilds Control unit or software. Do I need this? I was really hoping for a literal plug and play set up as I am not computer?softwre Inteligent. Is there a simple way for me to get this openbuilds system up and running my CNC router?
Yes, you should be using CONTROL. BlackBox is far more modern than the old Grbl/UGS workflows Learn more at about the very easy software toolchains docs:software:overview [OpenBuilds Documentation] docs:software:openbuilds-control [OpenBuilds Documentation] docs:blackbox-x32:hello-world [OpenBuilds Documentation] BlackBox is a 24v system, you should be running it with our recommended PSU: docs:blackbox-4x:connect-psu [OpenBuilds Documentation] - whatever PSU you have that allows switching to 12v will likely damage BlackBox in ways not covered under warranty so be careful Skipped the drivers install by any chance? docs:blackbox-x32:install-drivers [OpenBuilds Documentation] Yes, and if you follow all the docs, install the drivers, install CONTROL it really is one extra click (CONNECT). Plug and play on the PC side, absolutely - just install the drivers and software. Wiring up the machine still a little more plugging though Download CONTROL from OpenBuilds Software: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM - FREE software to run your CNC, Laser, Plasma or Pen Plotter
Thank you for that information. I found what I needed and loaded as instructed in the doc. control opens and goes to Port4 log code line says Firmware connected:grb1Hal version 1.1f dated of com4 However the jog controls do not move the stepper motors, etc.
I did not do any of this... 4.2 Fix Windows Power Settings / Disable USB Selective Suspend setting. Do I need to do this for the complete system to work?
I downloaded a gcode file and hit start.. X32 green light came on but no machine movement of any kind.
Did you remember to load a machine profile? CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Select a machine from the list > Save and reset when prompted Or you don't have 24v power. To move motors you need power and correct settings Yes all the docs exists for the reason that it should be applied. Not relevant to your current issue. But if you skip it you will later on see random disconnects
OK, I am closing in on it, I think. First off, I need you to know that you are a GREAT HELP, and it is very very much appreciated. My control is working as it should, I think. I downloaded a NC file to test. When I pressed start the CNC machine/stepper motors did nothing... no movement on the machine at all However the control was running the program, and I could watch it being cut on the screen. It is just not driving the machine. My CNC is Custom as it is not one on the machine list, but I chose the LEAD machine 1515 to test the machine. I am using three openbuilds nema23 motors for X, Y and Z, the X32 black box, openbuilds power case power supply and 24v power supply from openbuilds. What am I missing? Again, Thank you for all the help....
Start with a good profile, then customize from there (nearest similar machine) Read all of the Grbl Wiki - knowledge is power Grbl v1.1 Configuration
I have the 3 limit switches installed. I am searching for the instructions on how to trigger the limit switches and set up the homing sequence in control. Is this info in the documentation?
I tried to see but could not find what I was looking for. Can you give me the number prefix for that complete info?
See Grbl v1.1 Configuration Though if you followed earlier advice You could use the big old Limit Switches Installed switch right next to the profile dropdown to do it for you
I followed earlier advise and watched several openbuilds videos... everyone, when they showed the control screen and changed it to grbl settings, there was a limit switches installed switch to the right of the machine choice. That same screen when I open Control on my computer and press grbl setting button. It does not have that big old Limit Switches installed switch next to my machine choice. It is not on that page anywhere so I was not able to use it. I am asking for help to get my machine up and running and doing my best to read the docs and follow the instructions. The first thing I mentioned was that I was not computer intelligent specially when it comes to setting up software. You have been a great help so far, lets not stop now. I think I am close to getting what is needed done.
Nobody stopped...? Did you click the link in my last post before this reply? It takes you directly to the revelevant Grbl Setting item in the Grbl Wiki...
Thank you for the help. I think I finally figured it out and put in the correct numbers. My machine is homing to the limit switches now. I loaded a simple 4" x 4" NC Gcode file and set my zero points. I hit the start button and it air cut what looked like a square, but it was much larger than the 4"x4" I made in fusion360 and its Gcode. Large enough to run into my x limit switch. I must have a wrong setting somewhere. any ideas?
Check your steps per mm in Grbl Settings Get it closer to theoretical values first (based on your motion system) then fine tune calibration using Wizards and Tools > Calibration for final 1-2%
First question - which post processor are you using with Fusion - you should be using this one;- docs:software:fusion360 [OpenBuilds Documentation] Second question - please copy and paste the first dozen lines of your g-code file here (you can open a g-code file in any text editor) Alex.
Gcode's correct about 4x4" So machine's steps per mm are incorrect: Grbl v1.1 Configuration Check your steps per mm in Grbl Settings - Get it closer to theoretical values first (based on your motion system) then fine tune calibration using Wizards and Tools > Calibration for final 1-2%
Get it closer to theoretical values first (based on your motion system) then fine tune calibration using Wizards and Tools > Calibration for final 1- How do I find out what motion system I have?
What machine do you have? If its one of ours, CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Pick a machine from the list, save and reset when prompted If its not an OpenBuids machine, your machine vendor will have the answers (what kind of leadscrew, what pitch, if its belt drive what belt type, and how many teeth on the pulleys) - the physical components that make up your motion system Also read Grbl v1.1 Configuration