I recently loaded the latest upgrade to smartbox 32. I not cannot connect to the jog wiget. I have tried everything I can think of but to no avail. Any suggestions?
That's a new one You mean BlackBox X32? Hardware updates are not that often, but there was an update to OpenBuilds CONTROL (the name of our host software) ? So you mean update to CONTROL V1.0.382? Regardless no changes to CONTROL related to Jog Wizard (OpenBuilds-CONTROL/CHANGELOG.txt at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL is always a good read, "there was an update" is not a good excuse for things not working - unless it was something that was worked on - in this case rather unlikely) Main thing that might be preventing your phone from accessing the jog wizard would be networking issues. Not on same network. CONTROL not allowed through computers firewall, that sort of thing If your PC has multiple (real or virtual NICs) the QR code might guess wrong at what your computer's IP is, but if you know what it is just go to http://ip-of-the-computer:3000/jog (Insert actual local IP in placeholder text)