I had not used arduino uno and openbuilds control a couple of months today, today, i load a gcode file onto OPENBUILD control and i can not see the actual file (tool passes in the visualizer) I have tried these files that worked before and no go. I have even loaded the hello world file from the Openbuilds website and when click visualize it tells me to load a Gcode file first. Everything worked fine a couple of months ago. I notice that Openbuilds updated itself whent i first lauched it. Any body had a similar issue. Thank you.
Do you maybe have Troubleshooting tab > Application Diagnostics > Disable GCODE Preview ticked by accident? If not, post some of the troublesome files so we can see if they open here
Yes, When I try to load gcode it just open up OpenBuilds Cam and wont load anything. I tried generating new gcode from that popup and no success. I checked the troubleshooting setting as previously suggested, but everything was correct.
Yes I know. When in Control, I press "load gcode from file" it opens up CAM in a browser as if I had pressed the "Openbuilds CAM" button. This is only happening on new gcode. Previous gcode seems to load correctly. In both instances, old and new code it was generated in OpenBuilds CAM.
So, open GCODE Files, not OBC files. OBC (Save Project) is a way to save the project if you want to work on it (re-CAM it) later (saved an editible CAM workspace you can reload in CAM) Export to GCODE is the final of the steps 1-2-3-4 workflow
Looking more closely at the files now. It appeared that when I pressed the "Save GCODE" button it changed the extension to ".obc" Looks like the reason was because I deleted the ".gcode" extension when renaming the file and it defaulted to ".obc" Everything seems to be working now. Thank you for your help.