I keep on this message in Openbuilds Controller, Can someone help me with this, Im kind of new to this, I just need to know what I need to do to correct this issue.
Sounds like an error in your gcode file - can you attach the console output of the error and the gcode file?
What software and post processor were you using to create the gcode? It needs to be grbl compatible. Home
Use the Openbuilds post processor.it will give you good gcode. docs:software:vectric [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Hi All, I'm new around here, I hope you can help as I am getting the same issue using Openbuilds CAM and Openbuilds Control with a FoxAlien 4040-XE mill: A error: 20 - Unsupported or invalid G-code command found in block. [ G1 F1000 X203.5308 Y95.5885 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] and A error: 2 - Missing the expected G-code word value or numeric value format is not valid. [ G1 F1000 X194.4432 786.7819 Z-1.0000 $1000 ] I attach the G-code file, your help identifying the issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Gcode looks correct, do you maybe have a VFD spindle? If so, could be EMI causing serial corruption: docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Thanks for the speedy response Peter, I have looked through the EMI documentation and whilst I do have a variable speed spindle motor in my setup, it was not active during the test milling operation and I have since disconnected the cable from the back of the controller in case the cable was still causing a signal issue with the same result. I have also tried creating a simple circle in OBCAM and then trying that again (with motor disconnected) and get the same sporadic results. I attach a screenshot of the serial console, it doesn't look to be corrupted, be temporarily disconnected or having missing characters and no hard limit had been hit. Could it be something to do with the Grbl settings for this machine expecting to see values in a different format? any further help appreciated, Cheers
Again, thanks Peter, I have now managed to resolve the issue! Wahooo! There was a setting in the controller to prioritise PC communication, as soon as I changed that setting, and assuming the PC stays awake the operation is flawless! Thanks again for your help and support!